Example sentences of "be [adj] to make the [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When I left and went to teach in war-torn London , I knew I had been right to make the most of those precious two years .
2 Loss of my letter of introduction from Barry the Magus had meant that I had been unable to make the most of a brief , lacklustre meeting in Puerto Maldonaldo with its adviser Didier Lacaze , a slight , diffident Frenchman .
3 He may overcome the illness altogether but , even if this is not the case , he will certainly be able to make the most of his life and develop that special peace of mind which comes to those who are aware that they are doing all that they can to control the direction of their evolvement .
4 So he 'll be anxious to make the most of this unexpected opportunity .
5 Thus the British were able to make the most of their supporting role in the superpower talks which led to the Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1968 to try to prevent further nuclear proliferation in Europe .
6 He 'd been keen to make the most of being able to borrow his parents ' yacht , and do some sailing .
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