Example sentences of "be [adj] even [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Reminders of this are visible even in the decor of the red-light quarter .
2 Some rather fundamental reform of the international monetary system would have been inevitable even without the deterioration in the US balance of payments at the end of the 1960s .
3 The advantages of being able to run baits out to any spot within range of your radio signal are obvious even to an objector and to sit on a reservoir bank as electro-man catches pike on free-lined herrings at 200 yards , whilst my weapon hangs limp in the still air waiting for a stiff breeze has been frustrating .
4 In longer established severe infections signs are present even in the resting dog .
5 As the ball hangs there , moon-white against the wall of cloud , everything in the world seems briefly up for grabs and I am seized by two contradictory feelings : there is so much beauty in the world it is incredible that we are ever miserable ; there is so much shit in the world that it is amazing we are happy even for a moment .
6 Hence , speculating against ERM parities can be profitable even in the absence of fundamental competitiveness problems , a fact illustrated most recently by Spain .
7 I began to be conscious even of the kidney shape .
8 Descartes refused to be sure even of the reality of the external universe until he had proved a priori to his own satisfaction that he was not dreaming it .
9 Children , in growing up and being socialized , are made to give up much that is pleasurable — not least , some of their individuality — for the sake of principles which are not always made clear to them , or may be obscure even to the person demanding obedience .
10 You will have seen , with as much surprise as pleasure , a child of nine play the harpsichord like the great masters ; & what will have astonished you even more was to hear from trustworthy persons that he already played it in a superior manner three years ago ; to know that almost everything he plays is of his own composition ; to have found in all his pieces , and even in his improvisations , that character of force which is the stamp of genius , that variety which proclaims the fire of imagination & that charm which proves an assured taste ; and lastly , to have seen him perform the most difficult pieces with an ease and a facility that would be surprising even in a musician of thirty … .
11 His music in general reflects his character , which we know from his letters and from the diagnosis of his friend , the Court doctor Thomas Mermann , to have been manic-depressive ; and comparable extremes are apparent even in the vocabulary of his church music .
12 The waves there are small even in a storm .
13 Bright muzzle flashes were visible even through the murk .
14 Changes of character brought about by the fluctuation of material conditions were so marked that they were noticeable even at the time from within the camp .
15 These were important even in the run-up to Suez .
16 Their influence over the masses had been tenuous even at the height of their prestige in 1905 .
17 Thirstlessness is usual even with a fever or the dry mouth which is also commonly present .
18 He still maintains that non-violence is the nobler way , and that the prevention of the brutalization of human nature is preferable even to the prevention of his own suffering or the suffering of his own people .
19 In consequence the wealth of research contained in the bibliographies I have mentioned often fails to follow through the deep structures of police culture or establish the ways in which the culture is self-sustaining even in the face of calls for social change .
20 The money was demanded by the state from the citizen and the inequalities of the parties ' respective positions is manifest even in the case of a major financial institution like Woolwich .
21 New east-west fold mountains immediately began to be destroyed again , producing mountains of conglomerate such as the fantastic shapes of Montserrat , near Barcelona ( plate 8.1 ) which is remarkable even in a country of conglomerates like Spain .
22 … the Son of Man is sovereign even over the Sabbath ( Mark 2:28 ) .
23 … the Son of Man is sovereign even over the Sabbath ( Mark 2:28 ) .
24 This is when adequate sunlight is necessary even for the night bloomers .
25 It is obvious that such a definition is defective even within the context of ordinary English usage .
26 Compared to the situation just after the introduction of internment in the early 1970s , community relations are said to have improved considerably , which is true even for the period since neighbourhood foot patrols were first introduced following the hunger strikes of 1981 .
27 Huntington Castle , an early seventeenth-century mansion , is bizarre even in a country that takes pride in the eccentric .
28 The ‘ Moonlight ’ Sonata is impetuous even in the opening sostenuto first movement , and his Carnaval is flighty , skittish and full of character .
29 Petrashevskii , the son of a St Petersburg doctor , had been eccentric even as a teenager at the Tsarskoe Selo lycée .
30 The programme and strategy mapped out before the election began was followed — down to Tuesday 's photo opportunity in a Cornish seal sanctuary — and was undiverted even by the War of Jennifer 's Ear .
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