Example sentences of "be [adj] for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The second reason why conventional maps are unsuitable for the answering of the types of queries mentioned above is that the human eye and brain can not take in the amounts of information that would be present in the overlays and in the accompanying tables of figures and statistics .
2 The tables on the South side of the Library are unsuitable for the consultation of colour illustrated books , and for leather bound books , until UV screening can be applied to the windows .
3 ‘ On the other hand I think all the conditions are right for the challenge to be successful . ’
4 Our study also indicates that αβ T cells are unnecessary for the generation of apparently normal γ T cells .
5 Make the most of British pork because prices are low for the time of year .
6 ‘ But I do think the checking of permits has also had an impact on the numbers and we are grateful for the co-operation of the police .
7 I am grateful for the confidence of my hon. Friend the Member for Honiton ( Sir P. Emery ) in my competence .
8 I am grateful for the intervention by my hon. Friend the Member for Blaydon ( Mr. McWilliam ) , but I realise that the Minister responsible now wishes to intervene .
9 It would even have been possible for the Secretary of State to have a reserve power to insist on ever more names from which to choose .
10 It would not have been possible for the Government of 1945-51 to get through the legislation if they had faced the delaying tactics that have characterised the progress of Bills in the past 11 to 12 years .
11 If the joint tenancy between the husband and wife has been severed , it will have been possible for the husband to mortgage his own share or settle it upon certain trusts .
12 Suffice it to say that I find that had those alterations not been carried out when they were , it would not have been possible for the plaintiff to be discharged from Hunstead Park in May of nineteen ninety since her home would not have been suitable for her .
13 The last few years have been rocky for the heir to the Blenheim Palace estate .
14 A friend of both of them , who has watched this unhappy saga unfold over the last decade , now concedes : ‘ I am sorry for the tragedy of it all .
15 ‘ Neither the inspections detailed in the approved maintenance schedule nor those recommended by the manufacturer were adequate to detect partial cracks [ which had existed for about 7100 flights ] in the horizontal stabiliser rear spar top chord but would probably have been adequate for the detection of a completely fractured top chord . ’
16 Unlike the experimenter , however , they can not , because of their prior responsibility to their pupils , simply eliminate or neutralize aspects of the learning milieu which are inconvenient for the conduct of experiment .
17 Therefore , my Lords , I am willing for the purpose of argument to treat the word ‘ appropriates ’ as ambiguous in its context and , on that basis , following the principles enunciated in Black-Clawson International Ltd. v. Papierwerke Waldhof-Aschaffenburg A.G. [ 1975 ] A.C. 591 and the example of Lord Ackner in Reg. v. Kassim [ 1992 ] 1 A.C. 9 , 16 , where the construction of section 20(2) of the Act of 1968 was the question at issue , I turn , for such guidance as it may afford , to the Eighth Report of the Criminal Law Revision Committee on Theft and Related Offences .
18 Westphalian coals and associated humic organic-rich shales are prone for the generation of considerable quantities of dry gas and some minor associated liquids .
19 Clearly , governments should take this feature of human nature into consideration when formulating tax plans , for it is a sad fact of fiscal life that as soon as new tax is devised an army of tax-avoidance experts is assembled : Though helpful to the few , they are counter-productive for the country as a whole .
20 The material conditions of production and distribution have been crucial for the perpetuation of the romance form , and the romance form continues to thrive because it so well answers the commercial demands of a mass-market paperback and communications industry .
21 Some aspects of the power settlement in post-war Japanese enterprises , particularly the enterprise unions , the wage payment systems and the flexibility which these allowed , have been crucial for the emergence of this putative postmodernist form of organization .
22 I am sad for the suffering of the Iraqi people .
23 Bootle and Oxton players are unavailable for the match in which Liverpool 's Andy McDowell comes in for Barry Metcalf who has been picked for the Wales side against Dorset .
24 I use an ESP for whammy stuff and the usual 100 watt Marshall stacks — JCM 800s , they 're great for the sort of stuff we play .
25 Police say they 're concerned for the safety of a twenty six year old man from Hereford who 's gone missing from his home .
26 Over the years it has been customary for the chairman to be re-elected for a second year .
27 Mother and Leo had been seasick for the duration of the crossing and had lain inert on deck-chairs .
28 My career since 1982 has been remarkable for the number of men who have harboured exactly those prejudices that Smith speaks of — that is , that you ca n't do science and medicine and have children .
29 Yet the past five-ten years have been remarkable for the amount of attention given in America to such principles .
30 Many businessmen suppose that there is a general obligation on the seller ( in the absence of exclusion clauses to the contrary ) to ensure that the goods are fit for the purpose for which the buyer intends to use them .
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