Example sentences of "be [adj] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So the detergent companies have been careful to use lots of recycled plastic in their containers .
2 One of the main problems in banking is that banks have not been free to establish themselves in other member states — the technical phrase which applies here is the Right of Establishment .
3 The climate in the classroom must be one where children feel that their ideas are valued so that they are willing to commit themselves in public .
4 ‘ Mr. H. A. Allbutt might have ventilated his views without let or hindrance from professional authority had he been content to address them to medical men instead of the public . ’
5 No , you 're supposed to cook them from frozen .
6 This decision must not be left to the magistrates to make as they are likely to base it upon pragmatic considerations only .
7 Are suitable writing materials easily available if the children are likely to need them for reflective work ?
8 Many of the Socialist ‘ heavyweights ’ , such as Michel Rocard ( the official Socialist presidential candidate ) , Pierre Beregovoy ( the outgoing prime minister ) , Jack Lang ( outgoing culture and education minister ) and Roland Dumas ( outgoing foreign minister ) , are likely to find themselves in severe difficulties in the second round of voting next Sunday .
9 But Peyton 's heroics are unlikely to lead him to European glory .
10 Apart from the distinctions they make in terms of membership in particular local communities , however , Shetlanders are reluctant to categorise themselves into different types of Shetlander .
11 A situation in which speakers of a dialect , or non-standard English , are able to express themselves in Standard English in order to cope with social situations , improve their position in society , and operate successfully in the business world .
12 Also a good pointer where we 've been able to compare ourselves with civil engineering scaled fees , which was on the Overtown Bank Slip which was a job which went completely right , perfect no problems .
13 Frederica could , in the Lake District , have seen a " Wordsworthian " tarn and been able to render it in Wordsworthian words , and , because these words were known , tested , thought about , she could have introduced minute changes , have seen one little thing he had n't seen , changed the point of view .
14 One might perhaps have expected that it would have been impossible to discharge him from hospital , but the local authority , which shares parental responsibility for him , has been able to place him with devoted foster parents whose dedication and skill are of the highest possible order .
15 It is unlikely that any of the missing diamonds had been picked up by persons involved in the rescue or who visited the site later as only an expert would have been able to identify them as precious stones .
16 I have told my hon. Friend in private and I am happy to tell him in public that if the doctors concerned say that when they installed the computer they did not know that the list size criterion existed , I am happy to accept that as a statement of fact .
17 If he is unable to breathe spontaneously it would be cruel to subject him to positive pressure ventilation to prolong his life artificially .
18 And if this 6Mb does exist , would it be possible to recover it for general use ?
19 Even granting the absurdity of Hitler 's racialist theories , it would be possible to credit him with realistic goals ( to exploit a political scapegoat , to depopulate Eastern Europe for resettlement ) for which he could massacre Jews and Slavs in as full awareness as theirs when they flee or fight .
20 It should be possible to convert it to other BASICs without too much difficulty .
21 But no matter what path an observer followed , it would not be possible to provide him with stained-glass cinema .
22 ‘ If he shares his uncle 's hostility towards the female sex he might very well be prepared to treat them with similar contempt ! ’
23 ‘ The players have to be prepared to put themselves into dangerous positions , to go in for a hard tackle , be brave and take the blows .
24 It has only been met twice this year , the budget is quite small for the amount of work we can continue to do is quite small er it 's quite possible that it would only need to meet once a year in future so it would be sensible to combine it with other non-policy and traffic matters as a working party .
25 The message here is : Do n't be afraid to examine lots of concrete examples .
26 Differences of opinion exist among scholars ; sometimes the appearance gives very little to go on — details may have been rubbed off or we may only have a small fragment of a large object to examine ; two or more origins may be possible contenders and it may be impossible to decide which on stylistic grounds alone .
27 So important is this consideration , and it would be perfunctory to regard it as mere vanity , that it may motivate performances to anonymous and usually unconcerned strangers .
28 ( That is to say , even if it were the case that e.g. broad-class syllables were easy to find , it would be pointless to use them for lexical access if the number of words described by a string of such units was huge . )
29 So , to take one illustration from the law reports , if you are the company 's assistant accountant , it could be unfair to dismiss you for alleged lack of management ability if that has no real bearing on your daily tasks .
30 Right now , although the determinals in industrial specialization within countries , alright , now although you ca n't really define that , you might be able to say something about industrial specialization .
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