Example sentences of "be [adj] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the majority are right to submit themselves to a period of subliminal absorption .
2 We 've got certain rules that say all children must sit certain exams at certain times , it has n't been possible to do it in the labs
3 The wall opposite the sink and the window was covered with an oak dresser , very old and probably valuable , if it had been possible to remove it from the wall without its collapse , and the original row of bells still hung over the door each with its Gothic script ; drawing room , dining room , study , nursery .
4 It has not been possible to exempt her from a third politics module , 7605 , but rather than delay her Stage II entry it has been agreed that she may ‘ trail ’ it in that stage , i.e. she will include it along with her advanced modules as 1 of the 2 basic modules which may also be counted .
5 UK airlines are not sponsoring pilots at the present time , but the school is attracting an increasing number of young people , both from this country and abroad , who are prepared to invest something in the order of £50,000 to train as professional pilots …
6 ‘ Quite a lot of people , ’ said Maisie acidly , ‘ are prepared to hit you on the head . ’
7 During a visit to the hairdresser 's I realized that we women are prepared to put ourselves through the most extraordinary practices in order to improve our image .
8 As you will have realised by now this is not a fish for the person with a small community tank , but as long as you are prepared to provide it with the correct conditions , it is perfectly feasible for the novice to keep and breed the fish successfully .
9 1001 Ways to Save the Planet deserves to experience the irony of being consumed in vast quantities — and it 's interesting that Penguin has been willing to launch it towards a mass readership sheathed in a determinedly dowdy recycled cover .
10 But in terms of his public image as seen at the time , he had been careful to distance himself from the unpopular anti Jewish terror of the Nazi mobs and had placed himself on the side of legality .
11 In the first year it had been careful to disassociate itself from the truck-driver 's pin-up image by boasting of the high social and business standing of its readers … ‘ seven corporation presidents , fourteen vice-presidents , psychiatrists , a mortician and three embalmers ’ were listed among the first subscribers .
12 Anyway it would have been foolish to force someone into a life so demanding .
13 ’ These people are willing to do it at the beginning of the night when they 're sober ’ she says .
14 My members are willing to assist you to the best of their ability . ’
15 I am delighted to welcome you to the University of Ulster .
16 Well good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen I am delighted to welcome you to the R Y A's Annual General Meeting if I may call the meeting to order and may I propose that for those who 's convening the meeting printed on the front page of the annual report and accounts ninety , ninety one ninety two to be taken as read .
17 They are content to leave it to the building society , or they rely on their own judgement .
18 A completely brittle material like glass is reasonably safe as long as we are content to operate it at a very low stress level , for instance as a shop window , because the Griffith crack length is then quite long and so the material is safe against minor chips and abrasions .
19 For while your granny may have been content to envelope herself in a cloud of ‘ Tweed ’ each and every morning of her life — never daring to deviate from her ‘ trademark ’ perfume for so much as tea with the vicar — most of us , today , possess a positive wardrobe of perfumes to play with .
20 It had been impossible to thwart him under the glare of media attention back at the restaurant , and she was still trying to decide how to deal with the situation if he wanted to come in with her when they reached her apartment — and she knew he would want to .
21 I had in mind Vladimir Nabokov , if you 're willing to consider him as an American writer , John Barth , Richard Brortigan , Robert Coover. erm As I say they 're all writers who might come under the heading of , of postmodern meta-fiction writers who do not take for granted that fiction has a , a direct and clearly understandable relationship with society so that it can erm give you a very clear picture of society at a given moment , which was generally the case in the , with British fiction in the nineteenth century .
22 The tight-lipped reply : ‘ We 're supposed to protect you from the IRA , not the voters . ’
23 He goes , no , you 're not supposed to do it like that you 're supposed to get her on the floor and step on her head ! you 're not doing it right !
24 And it , they 're likely to need something like a further twenty thousand pounds er , if they do n't have sufficient funds to continue to at the balance of this financial year .
25 ‘ They 're likely to charge him over the weekend , so Gerry was tipping me the wink there 's no story for us .
26 erm you 're likely to get plenty of no 's .
27 And they 're glad to share it with the visitors :
28 They 're apt to incapacitate us in the present if we do n't vigilantly sweep them away . ’
29 He 's only groggy , not out , but you 're able to secure him to the bed with the other set of handcuffs and the leather straps from the same drawer the hood came from .
30 " I expect they 're anxious to chair me around the hall , " thought the Collector triumphantly .
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