Example sentences of "be [adj] [adv] from [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the first two cases , this has also usually meant that criminals are seen as being distinguished by biological or psychic features which are identifiable separately from the disposition towards crime ( although they are causally implicated in it ) .
2 ‘ I 've driven a lot of bands , ’ he says , ‘ and I do n't know these guys but I can tell that they 're good just from the way they are together . ’
3 We 're well away from the coast . ’
4 Since the new hospital had not been large enough from the moment it had been built , prefabricated huts bred fissiparously , and straggled now under the shadow of the main building .
5 Modernism , the tip of whose iceberg is visible by the mid-nineteenth century , but whose social conditions of existence are pervasive only from the end of that century , is an end point of this differentiation , a point at which spheres take on full autonomy .
6 They are important both from the point of view of the cause of the illness and for matching the remedy to the patient .
7 I think Nigel will be ill soon from the shock of the cold in England .
8 I 'm grand apart from the weakness . ’
9 The barbel will not be far away from the snag , and the closer you can fish to it with safety the better your chances are of catching these big fish .
10 The video will be available soon from the Foundation for Women 's Health Research and Development ( FORWARD ) .
11 It is to be noted that the section only applies where overpayment of rates is not otherwise recoverable , and it plainly did not occur to the House in that case that the overpayment might be recoverable apart from the section .
12 A curious feature of the scene is that the worshipping woman seems to be naked apart from an anklet and what may be a sacral knot tied round her neck .
13 You know sometimes the way forward is backward , there are no short cuts with god , if he 's leading along a certain path and were disobedient , there 's no way we can opt out of it and join the trail further along , he does n't allow it , its back to where we left it , that 's were we 've got ta get back to , we ca n't skip an experience , we ca n't miss any thing out , we 've got to go back to where we start , where we were when we left the trail and Naomi has to do just that to go back to Bethlehem , that 's the way forward for her , and you see because we all , we always find this if we are really children of god , then we can never ever be satisfied away from the will of god , there 's nothing else that meets our need , its god will or nothing , you know , when we know frustration in our lives , when we know sort of the , these annoyances and , and , and , and er sense of frustration there , its not because god is leaving us that way its invariably cos we have actually gone out of gods will because he 's will is not frustrated , its satisfying , can I just , it will only really be headings this morning , just leave us with three brief headings in this little incident that we 'll read or we , we wo n't read the whole passage but its , er in the remainder of the , or more or less the whole of the remainder of the first chapter tha that the cost was involved and then the choices that were made and then the commitment , the cost that was involved Naomi had to pay something , you see before she could return to Naomi she had to con , before Naomi sorry could return er to , to Bethlehem , she had to acknowledge she 'd done wrong , she had failed , she had sinned , she had to acknowledge she had made a mistake now in fairness to Naomi she did it and she excepted her responsibility , she did n't try and shift the blame on
14 You conduct it without the score in front of you , which I could n't do any more as I am far away from the work .
15 Tickets for all the May Arts Week event are available now from the box offices at Kennett Music in Lenten Street ( Alton 86767 ) and The Curtis Museum ( Alton 82802 ) .
16 Two of the favourites were asleep away from the Village , in downtown Seoul .
17 All further investigations were negative apart from the finding of gall stones in three patients .
18 After five minutes they were well away from the school , chasing along the road , laughing and yelling as they pitched the ball back and forth between them .
19 In some extraordinary manner the children seemed better able to cope with their parents ' injuries when they were well away from the hospital .
20 The mimics thus are protected by their visual resemblance to the emetic models , despite being far away from the place where the crows discovered the nasty prey .
21 If shape information were available accurately from the pattern recogniser it should enable more candidate words to be discarded due to incorrect shape .
22 Several noted that policy makers were far away from the frontier in their organisations and that this led to obvious difficulties in making effective policies for work with young people at risk .
23 The correlations were positive apart from the correlation with HDL/total cholesterol which was negative .
24 Avocets are rare away from the coast in Sussex but , since 1947 , there have been ten inland records , comprising 14 birds , and two reports of birds leaving the coast and flying north up the Cuckmere valley , one on 9 May 1968 and six on 16 March 1969 .
25 It may be that their meeting with the new people hastens change , but it is perceptible almost from the beginning .
26 For example , the tin-glazed pottery made in Europe from the Renaissance onwards was produced in many styles : that made in the Low Countries ( known as Delftware ) is of a specific range and type which varies from one production centre to another and is different again from the maiolica of Italy and the lustreware of Spain .
27 Instead it qualifies the property inherent in the noun used ( see Chapter 1 ) , thereby producing a complex property which is different both from the simplex properties and from their simple sum or union ; and it is this property-complex which is relevant to the relation of identification .
28 If the service , which is free apart from the cost of the phone call , proves successful , it may be supplemented by others dealing with information on areas of concern such as the environment .
29 Use of the network is free apart from the charge involved in linking with the nearest KIDLINK network ‘ node ’ .
30 Epsilon , or Enif , is well away from the Square , close to Equuleus .
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