Example sentences of "be [adj] [conj] [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The FA should have been brave and made a decision either to eliminate Peterborough or allow the 9-1 result to stand .
2 Croatian President Franjo Tudjman , who refused to sign the agreement , returned to Zagreb where he warned that " all-out war " could be imminent and convened a crisis session of the war cabinet .
3 I 'm only in this business for my own enjoyment , yet because we 've been successful and made a lot of money people automatically assume I 'm a raving Conservative and resent.my criticisms .
4 The eggs were clear and had a diameter of between 0.6 and 0.9mm and mostly floated at the water surface .
5 Many were two-storeyed and followed a custom not familiar in the classical period of Greece in that two orders appeared on the front colonnade , Doric on the ground floor and Ionic above as in the rebuilt Stoa of Attalos II of Pergamon in the agora of Athens ( 38 ) .
6 They were delighted and arranged a reception for him in a studio formerly occupied by Chagall , who had left France before the war to go back to Russia to get married .
7 Mother had so much to do outside and the old folk living with us were ailing and needed a lot of attention .
8 The Seagate ST3 144A hard disk is reasonable and ran a nose ahead of its uncached contenders .
9 So long as the boy was alive and had a chance of survival he was as much entitled to retain that chance as the others ; whereas in our problem it may be that the men who are cut away have no chance of survival at all .
10 Mr Justice Roch said that because the defendant was deaf and had a speech disability a social worker , Jill Hughes , would sit in the dock and translate .
11 Endoscopy was normal or showed a hiatus hernia without oesophagitis in 66 patients .
12 A third party should be entitled to assume that a person in an authoritative position within an organisation is competent to bind the organisation , and the organisation should not be able to plead violation of an internal rule unless ‘ that violation was manifest and concerned a rule of its internal law of fundamental importance . ’
13 Other girls at Group included ‘ Jolly Molly ’ — plump and good-natured ; Harriet , who was trying to improve her mind and always listened to the afternoon plays on BBC radio ( relayed to each hut over the Tannoy system ) ; Veronique , who was stage-mad and had a friend in the current London production of Lady Windermere 's Fan , and dough-faced Olive ( more about her a bit further on ) .
14 When Frank heard that Michael thought of going in for the prize on this set book he was indignant and sent a message to Michael , ‘ Who in his senses would read a book by a bishop ? ’
15 The interviewing panel was civil and included a peer of the realm , a major-General , and a gentleman farmer .
16 Rev. Levitt 's antipathy sprang from the fact that when he was ill or needed a break in the non-stop Day of Atonement services it was Percy Lovitch who deputised for him , his tall corpulent figure seeming to fill the small pulpit and his exquisite tenor voice quite outshining Rev. Levitt 's pedestrian baritone .
17 The jetty was large but needed a lick of paint and its wooden supports were green with sea slime ; it also lacked ( to my inexperienced eye ) any sense of efficiency .
18 Owing much in design to S. Vitale in Ravenna but on more elaborate lines , it was originally symmetrical and had a western entrance with atrium and two-storeyed gallery ; the courtyard here was large and had a capacity of 7000 .
19 The voice was deep and had a drawl to it that Lizzy did n't like .
20 Mr Anderson was married and had a mistress at the time of the alleged rape , the jury has been told .
21 She said I had not been meant to have this until I was twenty-five , but since I was married and had a child , they had been able to break the trust .
22 They walked back towards the lawn in a procession at the pace of Richard 's small strides until he stumbled over a tussock of grass , admitted that he was tired and accepted a ride on the detective 's shoulders .
23 She was thirsty and wanted a drink .
24 The court itself took the point that the committal was invalid and quashed a sentence of 18 months ' imprisonment .
25 Constanza was tough and had a will of her own like Anna .
26 ‘ It 's true that I had the opportunity to be alone in the office , and we both know that I was angry and said a lot of things in the heat of the moment … but would I really be this vindictive ? ’
27 Number 50 was the home of the Bannell family — father , mother and two daughters — one of whom was deformed and made a living , hand-weeding the lawns in The Close , one son a tailor , who was a cripple and one granddaughter .
28 He was unshaven and looked a bit rough .
29 In SAVE 's view this decision was self-contradictory and made a nonsense of the law , so SAVE immediately set about investigating the possibility of legal action .
30 His view was that numbers would speed up moves by helping players identify each other more quickly , but the Football League was outraged and forbade a repeat .
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