Example sentences of "be [adj] [prep] the same way " in BNC.

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1 References to experts are private in the same way that arbitrations are .
2 If the power is exercised , the proceeds are applicable in the same way as the proceeds of a sale ordered by the court , and the mortgagor will remain liable to pay any deficiency .
3 The images created by photographic and fashion models and by ‘ beauty queens ’ are vulnerable in the same way .
4 Most experiments are concerned in the same way with a variable , a dependent and fixed parameters , now that 's that 's that 's a lot to take in , in one go , is n't it .
5 It used to be acceptable in the same way as incest .
6 But it may be additional in the same way as the government argues EEC money to the North is — that is , they argue that they plan their spending in the expectation that they will get the EEC money and would plan differently if they did not expect to get it .
7 Its affinity for the opiate receptor means , however , that it could be addictive in the same way as morphine .
8 The males used should be light-treated in the same way , and allowed to run with the females between April and June , as the signs of oestrus , though obvious to the goats , may not be noticeable to their owners .
9 But even these figures can be misleading in the same way as would a statistic relating risk of lung cancer as a percentage of all smokers .
10 They are identical in the same way that the articles coming off a well-engineered assembly line are identical .
11 How do I know that the alternatives to belief in God , like Marxism and Humanism , are sustainable in the same way ?
12 To use this script safely , you must be confident that all the damaged records are defective in the same way and will all be cured by this process .
13 The idea of freedom which lies behind this kind of demand is confused in the same way as the idea of equality which calls for standardisation .
14 The method is not statistically valid , but is viable in the same way as quota sampling , in that it may be based on objective proportions .
15 The curriculum on emergency management , designed for all pre-university students , advances the idea that nuclear devastation is manageable in the same way as fires , earthquakes and floods .
16 Section 309(2) provides that the duty is owed ‘ to the company ( and the company alone ) and is enforceable in the same way as any other fiduciary duty owed to a company by its directors ’ .
17 This is true in the same way that our ideal of what God can do in our lives is counterpoised by the actual human condition we find ourselves in .
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