Example sentences of "be [adj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Sitting by her bedroom window later that night , Laura lectured herself for having been so naïve as to have been upset by the remarks he had originally made on the dance-floor .
2 Adam had been right about the contacts she could make , but her mind was no longer in tune with business this evening .
3 No one had wanted to believe that Paula 's beauty went right through her more than Sally did for she was a shining golden idol as well as a sister and it had been a shock to Sally when she had at last been forced to concede , in private at least , that the other girls might have been right in the accusations they made .
4 We are grateful to the adults who were kind enough to participate in the survey and to those working in educational guidance who helped identify our sample .
5 Similarly , getting too close could frighten the animal , although once they are used to the crowds they can regard the bars or the cage or the walls of the enclosure as protection .
6 ‘ Most people are possessive of the things they see as being their competitive advantage , but Philip would share it with anybody . ’
7 Businesses are alarmed at the costs they foresee in complying with the plan .
8 The main doors of the cathedral are the original bronze ones , 1186 , by Bonanno of Pisa , which have 42 sculptured panels depicting the Old and New Testament ; they are similar to the ones which he did later on Pisa Cathedral ( p. 149 ) .
9 Although , to the casual observer , the terraces may seem unremarkable slabs of tiered concrete , certain areas within them are sacrosanct to the fans who habitually occupy them .
10 This shows that faith , obedience , and belief are all intrinsically bound up with the cultivation of emotions that are appropriate to the truths we profess to believe .
11 Medical opinion is another influential source of dominant social attitudes , and its views on ageing are central to the expectations we have about the ‘ normal ’ condition of older people .
12 They 're old as the hills them cushions , in fact they 're
13 Oh they 're different to the ones he 's got , he 's got those ones , I 'll get him those ones that 's nice
14 ‘ You 're different from the women I 've met so far , ’ said Ray .
15 With Word 's facility , you 're stuck with the fonts it supplies .
16 Not all small creatures are pests , some are predatory on the pests themselves , and we should regard them as friends .
17 ‘ I am conscious of the difficulties which apply either with one big authority or with a lot of small authorities , ’ he said .
18 Prudence does not involve avoiding all risk , but it does involve avoiding taking risks which , if they eventuate , may have irreparable consequences or which are disproportionate to the benefits which could accrue from taking them .
19 After the 24 hour media coverage of the Gulf War we are accustomed to the pictures which brought war ‘ into our homes ’ .
20 She says : ‘ A lot of companies are unhappy with the systems they eventually choose .
21 Sartori had been indulgent for the weeks they 'd been together .
22 As a consequence , such agencies are selective in the cases they will represent .
23 ‘ Then perhaps I 've just been unlucky with the ones I 've met . ’
24 Some of the paintings of the city are fascinating for the changes they highlight .
25 The poverty of the farm worker today is obviously very different from that which existed in the countryside in Victorian times , but the majority of farm workers are poor by the standards which we have come to expect in modern Britain .
26 Artists are booked for these sessions by individual ‘ commissioning producers ’ , who are responsible for the shows which feature sessions .
27 The regulation of pension funds tends to be far lighter than for insurance companies as they are bound by trust legislation , and because the companies that offer pensions have an incentive to make sure that schemes are adequately administered as they are responsible for the benefits they have agreed upon for their employees ( even though they rarely run the fund themselves ) .
28 In addition , having had several days in which to think about it , she could see quite clearly how it had been responsible for the problems which had been harassing her all her life .
29 A more accurate term would have been desktop layout or desktop typesetting and page makeup but we 've been stuck with the words he used .
30 And I think it is a great pity , that this council is losing some of it 's capacity to produce reports which are independent of the departments which are the most affected by them .
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