Example sentences of "be [adj] [prep] [be] the same " in BNC.

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1 No two BOT schemes are likely to be the same but a special purpose company is usually formed to enter into the principal contracts and loan agreements .
2 These are likely to be the same Japanese companies that are already exploiting the forests of other Far Eastern countries such as Malaysia , Indonesia and Thailand .
3 Cancer is not one disease but many , and the answers are unlikely to be the same for all of them .
4 The saving and production propensities of those who are taxed , and those who are recipients of EC expenditure are unlikely to be the same .
5 They are far from being the same or even similar , and you can check this by comparing the analysis on the packets .
6 In the UK , GDP fell 2 per cent ( estimate ) in 1991 , against a forecast 0.5 per cent rise — and the figure for Europe is likely to be the same , Dicks reported .
7 This means that the mechanism of failure is likely to be the same by whatever means the material is broken .
8 Dr Ivan Edwards , former Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum , and the foremost expert on the pyramids , has suggested that if there is any chamber beyond the door it is likely to be the same size as the passageway .
9 There are a few occasions where the expert does not have a contract with either or both of the parties , but as the relationship is a close one based on reliance , the expert 's liability is likely to be the same as if there had been a contract : see 14.11 .
10 It 's boring to be the same all the time . ’
11 He invented the idea of communal living like flats okay and everyone was supposed to be the same .
12 It was like communism everyone was supposed to be the same , everyone would have the same house , with the same shed , everyone would have the same stuff in their house , all their doors would be colour co-ordinated and that 's what flats were , the original idea of flats were like co-ordinated living okay .
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