Example sentences of "be [adj] [verb] [pron] at the " in BNC.

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1 ’ These people are willing to do it at the beginning of the night when they 're sober ’ she says .
2 Everything that happens to you has been chosen by your spirit so there must be a reason , even If you are unable to see it at the time .
3 England captains must not do things like that , but they had not been able to sack him at the time because of the provocation he had been under ; now that he had stepped out of line again he gave them a heaven-sent opportunity to administer the axe .
4 Negotiations continue but no clear way forward has yet presented itself , the Cooking Centre is zoned for housing and there is little prospect that the Region would be prepared to acquire it at the residential land value — £150,000 .
5 ‘ I had a figure to go to and I 'm delighted to get her at the price . ’
6 Population history ignores political or military chronology ; it requires a long view and it will be helpful to take one at the outset by considering the years between 1880 and 1945 as a whole .
7 Well if you have bacon now you wo n't be able to have it at the weekend .
8 He signalled to the waitress , then said : ‘ If you change your mind we might be able to get something at the airport . ’
9 I do n't know if any of you have ever been to Newcastle before — if not , I 'd be happy to meet you at the station , or wherever , ( as long as it 's not too early in the morning ! ! ) , take you for a drink , and show you how to get to the ground .
10 ‘ We will be ready to receive them at the beginning of October .
11 This year , by some freak of fate , the Mendozas had drawn the O'Briens in the first round , and were due to play them at the latter 's new polo club forty miles away on the first Saturday in December .
12 We were due to show it at the end of the party and of course … well , you know what happened .
13 The Stanleys were careful to place themselves at the head of local opinion rather than ride the county roughshod and their identity of opinion with local Unionists on political and religious matters made them even more powerful .
14 It is more difficult to know whether an animal goes through the experience of at one moment not being able to see a food item , but then being able to see it at the next .
15 The observers were also especially impressed by the collective concern for those who showed signs of being unable to support themselves at the local level :
16 The cavalry had already ridden through the pall of dust and smoke that hung over the demolished Cutcherry and now they were ready to hurl themselves at the garrison , hastily assembled behind the churchyard wall .
17 For ease of reading , it is preferable to add it at the beginning of the file , but anywhere else is acceptable , provided that it is contiguous .
18 Whilst it is necessary to commence with an idea or concept , it is important to evaluate it at the earliest possible time , and thus the procedure is to commence testing by moving briefly into both the analysis and scheming phases .
19 And I was sorry to miss you at the Keppels 's thrash ; I hope that you are recovered ?
20 Jenny was supposed to meet me at the airport . "
21 She ignores me , whining about how he was supposed to meet her at the Bullet 's Head .
22 I thought she was supposed to have him at the beginning of this month .
23 ‘ I was glad to see her at the pictures with you , ’ Anne said .
24 It was good to see you at the DoE Green College Sustainability Seminar the other day .
25 Towards the end of the third hour , a little man at the back of the great hall , a faithful apparatchik from the area of the Caspian Sea , was unable to contain himself at the unanticipated exposition of the enormities of Stalin .
26 She was able to repeat them at the trial of the young man — and he was sentenced to seven years in prison .
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