Example sentences of "be [art] [adj] than [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For goodness ’ sake , Shae , ’ she muttered into the darkness , ‘ you 're no better than the rest of them — you 're being betrayed by a longing that 's nothing more than physical . ’
2 ‘ You 're no worse than the rest , ’ says my instructor , offering one small crumb of comfort .
3 ‘ You 're no more than a blackmailer ! ’
4 More often than not , they 're no more than a glass through which the all-important text is transmitted .
5 Subsequently what had been no more than a name implying a certain diplomatic affiliation between the Franks and Valentinian must have been interpreted as providing a genuine indication of the origins of the Franks .
6 On this occasion congress exercised its constitutional right to declare war , but , in retrospect , this seems to have been no more than a case of going through the motions — the age of crisis was well underway and the constitutional balance of powers would never be the same again .
7 Though Mosley was represented to future generations as if he had been no more than a gutter politician and demagogue , the truth was that he had first attracted sympathy — if not support from many political figures who were subsequently to disown him .
8 This done it soon became clear that Clairvaux had been no more than a pretext and that the real problems lay elsewhere .
9 To begin with , only the coincidence of the deaths of father and son within four days of each other ; beyond that his notion of a connection had been no more than a hunch , and he had been in the business too long to back his hunches far ahead of evidence .
10 For her , their lovemaking might have been an almost mystical fusing of bodies and identities , yet for him it had been no more than a roll in the hay .
11 Burun guessed that Kiku had been no more than a hair's-breadth away from being impaled on the st'lyan 's gilden horn .
12 Or it may have been no more than a ruse to exert pressure and force him to reconsider .
13 This suggests that the fall in equity prices in October 1987 may have been no more than a correction to the market .
14 When she 'd moved in , it had been no more than a yard full of builders ' rubbish .
15 Continuing his tour of crowned heads , Napoleon III went from Stuttgart to Weimar , where he met Franz-Joseph of Austria , but the encounter seems to have been no more than a routine courtesy call between sovereigns and the fact that it did not even take place in Vienna underlined the private nature of the meeting .
16 The account is and has been no more than a conduit , the defendant holding its funds with a Scottish bank in Glasgow .
17 If she felt hurt at the realisation that his affectionate gestures had been no more than a front — well , it could only be because her ego was wounded .
18 The efforts — and prison sentences — of the unofficial peace movement had redeemed the similarly contaminated word peace , but ‘ in my country , for ages now , socialism has been no more than an incantation that should be avoided if one does not wish to appear suspect . ’
19 Veneers appear in the 1880s although an eighteenth-century example was discovered during the 1983–4 excavations at St Augustine-the-Less , Bristol , but this might have been no more than an attempt on the part of the coffin-maker to mask some splits at the shoulder caused by over-zealous saw-cuts when kerfing .
20 In the final analysis the entrepreneurial solution would have been no more than an evasion of the underlying causes of Nizan 's personal crisis of 1926–27 .
21 The pulse-receiver would have been no larger than a matchbox , probably receiving on something like 72.15 megahertz a signal sent from a small transmitter .
22 Orcs vary in height and their physical appearance more than humans — some are no taller than a man but most are substantially larger and the biggest Orcs stand well over seven feet tall .
23 In what sense do these mark a crossroads while the others are no more than a widening of the road ?
24 Some of the larger birds , like the blackbirds and thrushes , often risk a little dive-bombing , in which they swoop down on the owl from a distance of about 30 feet , heading straight for it , and then swerve aside only at the very last moment , when they are no more than a foot away .
25 Some of the Discourses printed in them are no more than a title , but most are published in full .
26 Other memories are no more than a nutshell description , a fleeting image , perhaps of an eccentricity .
27 If they are used by a Christian then they are no more than an aid , just as meditation can be biblical or occult depending on what you meditate upon .
28 — the heart is the first organ to develop in the embryo ; when we are no more than the size of a kidney bean , our heart is visible , pumping away ;
29 These unimportant trivialities are no more than the girl prised out of him . ’
30 Most are no larger than the palm of a man 's hand , but even spiders this small can have a deadly poisonous bite .
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