Example sentences of "be [prep] the [adj] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 Nobody would have known that he was planning to puff on home-grown cannabis in Wales if it had n't been for the ironic coincidence that another Mr Perkins had mistakenly opened a package addressed to the actor .
2 It might even have been handsome had it not been for the dark scowl that currently shadowed it .
3 There are more differences between those groups than there are between the normal things that sociologists would look at ; for example , social class .
4 The uniform 's are about the only thing that 's changed .
5 We are about the only organization that can operate at all these levels .
6 Twice a week we have an assembly and , as a rule , assemblies are about the only occasions that Christianity gets a mention at school .
7 If holders of speculative balances are of the general opinion that the price of bonds will fall in the near future ( i.e. their yield will rise ) , then they will not purchase these assets now because they will suffer a capital loss if their expectations are borne out by experience .
8 ‘ The private car was deliberately uncoupled , ’ he said , ‘ but we 're of the preliminary opinion that it was an act of mischief committed by someone in Cartier , the last place you stopped before Miss Lorrimore found the car was missing .
9 We are also aware that for the majority of women , a visit to a car showroom or Service Department can be a difficult and sometimes downright unpleasant experience due to indifferent attitudes by some Sales/Service staff who are under the misguided impression that because you are female you know little or nothing about the motor car .
10 He had been under the erroneous impression that Europe was just one big common market , similar in size to the United States , operating under free trade concepts , and with common laws , rules and regulations .
11 But the reasons for that are in the general principle that people are responsible for the consequences of their actions .
12 Thus , according to our definitions , unc whilst unc and so , unless unc and unc are just other names for 3 and 1 w are in the intolerable situation that a sum or product of two classes depends not only on which the classes are but also on what we choose to call them !
13 I hope that this debate will be about the valuable contribution that Britain can make to the European community , rather than a sterile argument about whether the king 's prerogatives will be taken over by the Government and given away in the face of the people .
14 The majority of the feedback you 're going to get to help you find your advocacy skills will be after the supervised litigation that you 'll do next week .
15 Why , in other words , should perception be of the perceived object rather than any other object in the causal chain further back in the causal chain ; why every perception should not be of the Big Bang that started off the Universe .
16 For these reasons the Department considers it to be of the utmost importance that the form is used in all of the appropriate circumstances and clearly it will help if it can be completed right after the incident has taken place .
17 Whatever future peace Lebanon can obtain , it is not going to be under the power-sharing system that existed before the start of the civil war .
18 Professor Ferguson and I said that a routine clinical history and examination ( preferably in private ) were essential in helping to establish the correct diagnosis and treatment of all patients , particularly in people who might be under the mistaken impression that their symptoms were due to allergy .
19 I 'm in the narrow mirror that hangs beside the kitchen door .
20 Because of the erm because of the erm of the total times involved , inevitably the stage two's are going to be , it 's it 's going to be in the second year that you 're going to see reasonable output from them , not in first year .
21 The Noble Earl , Lord has been wounded by the suggestion he confessed to be in the last debate that Mr Howard has the intention of putting political friends into these jobs .
22 Celibacy , originally a voluntary charism , became a requirement for ordination , although it would not be until the eleventh century that this law would be fully imposed on the Latin Church .
23 It is also likely that the percentages will be on the sliding scale that seemed so attractive to the PFA a fortnight ago when peace was at hand .
24 Events of the past week have shown it is not likely to be among the major companies that total collapses will occur .
25 This is not to say , however , that various arguments will not be among the important factors that influence the decisions of scientists .
26 or Alan been on the standard course that can go on the A L O course .
27 Our data indicate that cytokines are among the many proteins that bind to endothelial surfaces in a GAG-dependent fashion .
28 Handicrafts are among the few activities that employ Indians on their reservations .
29 Groping , verbal abuse and pawing are among the daily humiliations that nurses face , says the study by Sarah Finnis and Ian Robbins .
30 Jack reluctantly followed Derek 's vast bulk until they were behind the concrete hut that served as a laboratory .
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