Example sentences of "be [prep] be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The return system , we , we say to the girls they must come back but they 're to be incorporated within the round .
2 So with those erm policy points and those questions about the ab ability of migrants to outbid locals , and the ac housing access issue , I would erm suggest that if they 're to be accepted by the panel , then more information is .
3 They 're to be married in the small church that Christian built , next to my cottage . ’
4 His model of what computer learning should be like is taken from the ‘ Samba schools ’ in Rio de Janeiro , where experts and stars gather a coterie of followers and students to prepare for the carnival .
5 This allowed a number of questions to be to be formulated from the activity lists ( Fig 11.15 ) for discussion with all those persons in the EPH dealing with financial matters , the answers being noted on a separate formatted sheet .
6 And enabled us to be to be known throughout the local streets , the local shopkeepers and such like .
7 In this society it follows that real talent goes unrewarded and unflinching purity of soul is automatically derided — on both these counts I am to be numbered among the punished , especially in regard to material goods and services , financial security , the trust and love of friendship , and the divinely counselled companionship of wife and family .
8 I am to be dominated by the truth because I have been made a Christian by the operation of the Holy Spirit within .
9 How thrilled the girl had been to be going to the Holy City , how lovely she had looked in a jacket of scarlet silk , a birthday present given only the day before by Mrs Browning , how she had glowed and shivered with anticipation …
10 Regular faces that greet you in the banks , shops and offices in Funchal are to be seen on the eight-kilometre long beach of white sand .
11 Rather than being regarded as actors who make their own history , individuals are to be seen as the ‘ supports ’ of social practices who maintain and reproduce them .
12 Three significant things are to be seen in the story .
13 The ruins of old Seagoe church are to be seen in the lower graveyard .
14 The very first indications of it are to be seen in the helplessness of a baby .
15 Examples of centurial stones or distance slabs with which different legionary detachments marked sections they had constructed are to be seen in the National Museum of Antiquities in Edinburgh and the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow .
16 The upper parts of these early workings are to be seen in the fenced-off area at Red Dell Foot .
17 They are to be seen in the late lierne examples as the boss covers the awkward junction of differing diameter ribs and creates a decorative design on the roof covering .
18 Conspicuous in the Cupids mosaic , for example , are the seabeasts of the semi-roundels , comparable — if not identical — representations of which are to be seen in the semi-roundels adjacent to the central squares of both the Fishbourne and Cirencester ( Dyer Street ) mosaics .
19 The borders are elaborate — comprising bands of chain-guilloche , wave-crest pattern , and simple guilloche ( all of which are to be seen in the Lion and Stag pavement ) .
20 This relates to a more basic question concerning the sorts of explanations that are to be given of the cross-national variations that are discovered .
21 ( 3 ) provides that copies of reasons in writing are to be given by the board to all the parties to the hearing in respect of which they have been requested , and subs .
22 Again the interests supporting the mining are the state and foreign mining companies who would reap all the benefits from the ‘ development ’ , while all the costs of the mining are to be borne by the local community .
23 The clause may often say that the expert 's fees are to be borne equally , or in agreed proportions , by the parties , or wholly by one of the parties , or as the expert may direct , or , for instance in the case of share valuation , that the fees are to be borne by the company .
24 Access is also to be extended to Eastern Europe , using funds from the Community 's PHARE programme under a separate contract between the EC and PTT Telecom : Poland , Hungary , Czech and Slovak Republics , Bulgaria and Romania are to be connected into the system .
25 Skeleton arguments are to be exchanged between the parties and four copies delivered to the court 14 days in advance of the hearing .
26 Professor Botha also said neither woman had been raped , although he added that further tests are to be conducted on the bodies .
27 The Accounting Standards Board has issued new proposals for the accounting treatment of securitisation and other similar forms of non-recourse finance that are to be repaid from the asset they finance .
28 One of the common problems encountered in assets sales is determining how the customer and supplier contracts entered into by the vendor are to be transferred to the purchaser .
29 This manual describes the use of the forms NEWOED1–NEWOED7 and the way in which they are to be completed by the lexicographers in order to request services from either or both of the New OED Computer Group or ( indirectly ) the Computer Services Department .
30 1.4 " Works " means the works [ of alteration and refurbishment ] which are being carried out on and to the Site by the Landlord and which are to be completed by the Landlord in accordance with clause 2 of this agreement The ( landlord 's ) works can be the alteration and refurbishment of an existing building or can be the actual building of new premises or an entire development such as a shopping centre .
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