Example sentences of "be [prep] [be] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Upon his death Charles 's eldest son assumed responsibility , and anxious evidently to enlarge the sphere of the firm 's activities he took an " option " or " take-note " from the Honourable John Pennington Bart. , Lord Muncaster , which issued liberty to " … search for and get lead and Copper Ores & any other ores within the Manor of Little Langdale & Tilberthwaite ( save and except in certain parcel of Ground under a lease to Wilson & which Ground & Premises are to be reserved for the sole use & purpose of the said Wilson …
2 ( 3 ) That the necessary paginated bundles of documents are to be prepared for the hearing .
3 New versions Informix 5.0 and Wingz 1.2J are to be converted for the Alpha AXP systems and will be announced this summer .
4 New versions Informix 5.0 and Wingz 1.2J are to be converted for the Alpha AXP systems and will be announced this summer .
5 Two sites are to be selected for the construction of underground laboratories in which tests can be carried out .
6 For Althusser 's claims are by no means easy to understand , and one reason for this is the fact that they are all exceedingly general , so that it is often unclear how they are to be used for the vital task of explaining particular states of affairs .
7 ‘ A witness may be cross-examined as to previous statements made by him in writing or reduced into writing relative to the subject matter of the indictment or proceeding , without such writing being shown to him ; but if it is intended to contradict such witness by the writing , his attention must , before such contradictory proof can be given , be called to those parts of the writing which are to be used for the purpose of so contradicting him : provided always , that it shall be competent for the judge at any time during the trial , to require the production of the writing for his inspection , and he may thereupon make such use of it for the purpose of the trial as he may think fit .
8 Labour 's ‘ radical ’ plans are to be welcomed for the vision they bring of the kind of urban public transport that is more or less taken for granted in western Europe .
9 The money to set up these trusts is to be supplied by industry , and the schools are to be founded for the most part in inner cities , and are to be technological in character .
10 ( vi ) The crew made a successful forced landing in a field near the end of the runway and are to be commended for the high degree of professional and airmanship displayed .
11 But patients from all over the country are to be considered for the trials , mostly after referral from their GP or from other eye hospitals .
12 But patients from all over the country are to be considered for the trials , mostly after referral from their GP or from other eye hospitals .
13 At each stage , the children will be assessed against appropriate attainment targets , which are to be grouped for the purpose into a small number ( the Task Group recommended no more than four ) of profile components , which will reflect the range of knowledge , skills and understanding the subject encompasses .
14 But the government believes that , not least in the light of what is being achieved in other countries , the standards now generally attained by our pupils are neither as good as they can be , nor as good as they need to be if young people are to be equipped for the world of the twenty-first century .
15 Groups in our society such as Friends of the Earth , Greenpeace and the Green party are to be congratulated for the energetic way they are drawing our attention to the issues involved .
16 Staff are to be congratulated for the way they accepted the move , and on their commitment to making the new arrangements work .
17 Save The Children are to be congratulated for the part they played in securing the nineteen eighty nine United Nations convention on the rights of the child .
18 These men were the ministeriales , originally unfree tenants ; as the nobility became increasingly independent , the ministeriales were promoted to fill their place in the royal service , and they received increasingly valuable patronage and endowment ; abbots of imperial monasteries were even forbidden to distribute fiefs to free tenants — they were to be reserved for the unfree , the ministeriales .
19 Dismissing the taxpayer 's appeal , Mr Justice Vinelott said that the overriding purpose of para 24(5) , Sch 5 , FA 1975 was to ensure that the participators in a close company , which was entitled to an interest in possession , were to be treated for the purposes of capital transfer tax as if they had been entitled to interests in possession according to their rights and interests in the company .
20 Use of the library resource centre means that the children would have immediate access to a much larger collection than can normally be gathered in a series of project or topic boxes , of the kind that were to be gathered for the use of the eight groups in this example .
21 It was the belief of many of its members that if explanations and theories were to be given for the facts collected in their natural histories , they were to be given in mechanical terms , specifically in terms of the corpuscular theory .
22 A decree issued on Sept. 16 stated that the profits of all wholly Omani-owned companies were to be taxed for the first time from the end of 1989 .
23 But it was sent to the National Security Council and in the meantime Secretary of Defense Johnson , according to the internal ‘ History of the Indo-China Incident ’ prepared for and by the Joint Chiefs of Staff , had called upon the NSC to determine exactly how US security was threatened by the current situation in the Far East and to formulate tentative courses of action which were to be co-ordinated for the whole region and were to outline specific objectives to be attained .
24 ’ On reading these lines I realised that , if the word ‘ starving ’ were to be substituted for the word ‘ dying ’ , they could be read as a description of my own attitude at the time I was anorexic .
25 As during previous eras , pre- and post-liberation the rights of the individual were to be sacrificed for the sake of maintaining social stability and avoiding da luan .
26 SHORTLY after the Russians invaded , the famous Barrandov Studios , in which so many world-class directors had worked , were to be used for the making of a film called Factory Of Illusions , in which a young and idealistic graduate of the Film Academy arrives to find well-known film-makers of the New Wave drinking and whoring instead of making films , and almost succumbs to counter-revolution himself .
27 In December 1839 , schools were to be established for the use of workmen in the Company 's employ ; in June 1840 , these were to include a reading room .
28 It will be worth finding out , since the whole operation is to be repeated for the steam runs on the 22nd and 29th of September , and this train should be a sight worth seeing .
29 The Act gives certain powers to the High Court where an application is made for an order for evidence to be obtained in England , and the court is satisfied that the application is made in pursuance of a request issued by or on behalf of a court or tribunal exercising jurisdiction in another part of the United Kingdom or some other country , and that the evidence sought is to be obtained for the purposes of civil proceedings which have either been instituted before the requesting court or whose institution is contemplated .
30 MR Graeme Stewart , who is a member of Sloan Street Presbyterian Church , Lisburn , is to be licensed for the ministry at a service there on June 6 .
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