Example sentences of "be [prep] [noun] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Finally this study has given me a good idea of what life has been for people living in the past in America , where as before , I would n't have had a clue and it 's also taught me that no matter how many times you read a book , you 'll always find new links and connections .
2 I should like to thank all our workforce , the majority of whom are of course remaining with the company , for their impressive commitment to getting on with the job in hand , despite the company 's problems .
3 It is noteworthy that the majority are of plants starting with the letter ‘ A ’ which , as has been explained , proportionately outnumbered the other letters in the Figures .
4 So long as it maintains the idea that believers talking to unbelievers are like people explaining to the blind what it is like to see , reason may be tolerated .
5 And what Ms Meckler and her designer , Dermot Hayes , have inventively done is to remind us that these characters are like people picknicking on the edge of Vesuvius .
6 Is it not a fact that most of the jobs lost have been in industries belonging to the last century and that most of the jobs gained are in industries with a bright future ?
7 time we 've had men who have been in war talking about the horror of war
8 Now unit six is very likely to come up in the exam so when you do this test for Monday you are in effect preparing for the exam .
9 Now in those cases we ca n't use the normal Chow tests we 've got more parameters to estimate than we have observations , right , as a result Chow developed a second test , right , from structural change where we do n't need er erm to estimate essentially the regression in the sub sample which has got very few obser observations but in that Chow , that Chow second test is often called a test of predicted failure , right , Microfit will calculate both of those tests and bear in mind I mean that we 're spending a lot of time on er parameter constancy , we must bear in mind that parameter constancy is vitally important if we are going to make these inferences possible be about policy making on the basis of our estimates .
10 The Watchfield camp would be for travellers passing through the area .
11 By now the Arab with my coat would be in Malaga waiting for the boat across to Africa .
12 They look as though they should be on horseback flying towards the sun .
13 He needs continually to be at work dealing with the shifting population of a modern age , so that people who move house to a new estate shall still find a priest and a sacrament for their souls .
14 Yet by now Battle Brothers were as mastiffs straining on the leash ; and it began to seem that the cadets might become Scouts in time to participate in the great endeavour , should they be so fortunate .
15 They were like astronauts landing on the moon and finding footprints in the dust , or like the mountain climbers in Jules Verne who , having at last reached the summit of what they take to be a virgin Himalayan peak , find a sign saying : M. Durand , Dentist , 14 rue Caumartin , Paris .
16 His government argued that the small temples which it had demolished were on land belonging to the state tourist department .
17 Writers Fay Weldon and Marina Warner and Colin MacCabe , the former head of production at the British Film Institute , were among witnesses appearing before the Video Appeals Committee , called to examine a decision by the British Board of Film Classification to refuse a release certificate to ‘ Visions of Ecstasy ’ .
18 Thus , perhaps , I believe that my children are at present playing in the garden at home , and I have good reasons for this belief .
19 Next , if I were wise only to my own ends , I would certainly take such a subject as of itself might catch a clause , whereas this ’ — he is of course writing about the vexed question of erm Church government and the possible disappearance of episcopy — ‘ whereas this hath all the disadvantages on the contrary , and such a subject as the publishing whereof might be delayed at pleasure and time enough to pencil it over with the curious touches of art , even to the perfection of a faultless picture , whereas in this argument the not deferring it is of great moment to the good speeding .
20 The instance here is of Stavrogin pretending to the provincial governor that he has a secret to communicate to him , and , when the unsuspecting old man ‘ hastily and trustfully ’ inclines his head , seizing his ear in his teeth and holding on to it , biting hard .
21 Firstly there 's more chance striking a match on wet tripe than there is of Boro getting to the FA Cup Final .
22 An obvious place to begin is with problems arising from the omission of the proper words for a testamentary disposition .
23 The main problem is with children diving on the floor which can lead to someone getting hurt .
24 Erm , we now move on to item eight appendix two and it 's in matters arising regarding the estate .
25 This eventuality is provided for in s.97 of the Public Health Act 1936 , and proceedings may be instituted against any one , or all of the odour emitters providing sufficient evidence can be obtained to satisfy the court that a particular works is in fact contributing to the statutory nuisance .
26 It is clear from the context of such pairs that in every case where the second speaker responds to a proposition of the first speaker with " you know what I mean ! " or " you know ! " , the second speaker is in fact agreeing with the first .
27 Traditionally everything is carried in baskets on the head or shoulders , and you can often see these large wicker baskets full of cabbage , potatoes , oranges , apples or whatever is in season waiting at the side of the road for transport to the market in Funchal .
28 She said : ‘ If the tape is real — and I am not convinced that it is — it is without doubt damaging to the monarchy .
29 The aim is to free-up housing for the needy and boost revenue from the city 's 57,000 tenants .
30 Because planning is by definition interfering in the unfettered use of land and buildings , to be justified and accepted by the general public it must produce a ‘ better ’ answer than a free market would .
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