Example sentences of "be [conj] [verb] [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( s ) To support and subscribe to any charitable or public object and to support and subscribe to any institution , society , or club which may be for the benefit of the Company or its Directors or employees , or may be connected with any town or place where the Company carried on business ; to give or award pensions , annuities , gratuities , and superannuation or other allowances or benefits or charitable aid and generally to provide advantages , facilities and services for any persons who are or have been Directors of , or who are or have been employed by , or who are serving or have served the Company , or any company which is a subsidiary of the Company or the holding company of the Company or a fellow subsidiary of the Company or the predecessors in business of the Company or of any such subsidiary , holding or fellow subsidiary company and to the wives , widows , children and other relatives and dependants of such persons ; to make payments towards insurance ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain superannuation and other fund or schemes ( whether contributory or non-contributory ) for the benefit of any such persons and of their wives , widows , children and their relatives and dependants ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain profit sharing schemes for the benefit of any of the employees of the Company or share purchase schemes for the benefit of any of the solicitor or registered foreign lawyer employees of the Company and to lend money to any such employees or to trustees on their behalf to enable any such purchase schemes to be established or maintained .
2 ( s ) To support and subscribe to any charitable or public object and to support and subscribe to any institution , society , or club which may be for the benefit of the Company or its Directors or employees , or may be connected with any town or place where the Company carried on business ; to give or award pensions , annuities , gratuities , and superannuation or other allowances or benefits or charitable aid and generally to provide advantages , facilities and services for any persons who are or have been Directors of , or who are or have been employed by , or who are serving or have served the Company , or any company which is a subsidiary of the Company or the holding company of the Company or a fellow subsidiary of the Company or the predecessors in business of the Company or of any such subsidiary , holding or fellow subsidiary company and to the wives , widows , children and other relatives and dependants of such persons ; to make payments towards insurance ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain superannuation and other fund or schemes ( whether contributory or non-contributory ) for the benefit of any such persons and of their wives , widows , children and their relatives and dependants ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain profit sharing schemes for the benefit of any of the employees of the Company or share purchase schemes for the benefit of any of the solicitor or registered foreign lawyer employees of the Company and to lend money to any such employees or to trustees on their behalf to enable any such purchase schemes to be established or maintained .
3 The provisions that make this £150 " discrepancy " potentially chargeable are : ( i ) s 19 TA 1988 , the Schedule E income tax charging provision ; and ( ii ) s 162 TA 1988 , which can apply the " notional loan " provisions of s160 to a situation where Newco acquires shares in Target and persons " connected " with Newco , namely management , are or have been employed by Target and/or are about to be employed by Newco , and the Target shares are acquired at an under-value in pursuance of a right or opportunity available by reason of management 's employment .
4 We propose that inflammatory bowel disease patients who are or have been treated with systemic steroids and have articular complaints are investigated for osteonecrosis preferably by magnetic resonance scanning .
5 About 90% of rural adults in Mexico have friends or relatives who are or have been working in the United States .
6 most planation surfaces are or have been graded with respect to some base elevation , usually sea level , but often to an endorheic basin or to a climatic control above sea level ;
7 Your own children , natural or adopted , can always inherit from you , whether or not you are or have been married to their other parent .
8 Any submission to the contrary which may be or has been made by North Yorkshire County Council and or Ryedale District Council is accordingly strongly and totally refuted , for the reasons detailed in these submissions .
9 for proceeding to or returning from a workshop in which a body or a special type of equipment or accessory is to be or has been fitted to it or in which it is to be or has been painted , valeted or repaired ;
10 for proceeding to or returning from any garage , auction room or other place at which vehicles are usually stored or usually or periodically offered for sale and at which the vehicle is to be or has been stored or is to be or has been offered for sale as the case may be ;
11 Much more could be and has been written about this ‘ difference principle ’ ( 2a ) and its strengths and weaknesses , but enough has been said to , at least , give the flavour of the notion .
12 Murty , the Assistant Government Agent at Matara , wrote in his annual report for 1902 that ‘ it is true that cattle stealing can be and has been suppressed by drastic measures , such as wholesale convictions , involving both innocent and guilty , and by the application of the lash , but I can not conscientiously recommend this procedure . ’
13 S 459 of the Companies Act 1985 provides that if a company 's affairs are being or have been conducted in a manner which is unfairly prejudicial to the company 's interests , then the members may obtain relief through the courts .
14 ( Common sense reminds us that given the distribution of women in employment in Edinburgh , most of the mothers probably were or had been employed in some form of domestic service or in the clothing industry ; but in what proportions ? )
15 possess any secret official code word , or password , or sketch , plan , model , article , note , document or information which relates to or is used in a prohibited place or anything in such a place , or which has been made or obtained in contravention of this Act , or which has been entrusted in confidence to him by any person holding office under Her Majesty or which he has obtained or to which he has had access owing to his position as a person who is or has been employed under a person who holds or has held such an office or contract — [ and who ] ( a ) communicates the code word , pass word , sketch , plan , model , article , note , document , or information to any person other than a person to whom he is authorised to communicate it , or a person to whom it is in the interest of the State his duty to communicate it , or ( aa ) uses the information in his possession for the benefit of any foreign power or in any other manner prejudicial to the safety or interests of the State , or ( b ) retains the sketch , plan , model , article , note , or document in his possession or control when he has no right to retain it or when it is contrary to his duty to retain it , or fails to comply with all directions issued by lawful authority with regard to the return or disposal thereof , or …
16 investment ) , tourism and weaving underpin the fragile economy which is or has been augmented by local centres of enterprise such as the oil platform fabrication yard at Arnish near Stornoway ( now closed ) , the rocket-range support base at Ballavanich , the military developments at Stornoway airfield and scattered small scale initiatives such as fish processing and , notably , salmon farming in sheltered bays and sea lochs .
17 Yes , and you get all the animals who are experimented on and you sa there 's not a week that comes out and you do n't an a report saying , oh well this this , this causes cancer in rats or and you , imagine the amount , the huge amounts of the sub , whatever substance it is that had been given to rats to cause the cancer , and there 's no knowing that the amount that 's gon na be given to rats causing cancer , will give cancer to humans !
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