Example sentences of "be [adv] a [adj] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 I think you are rather a vain girl and thinking too much about your figure . ’
2 His father 's been dead a long time and he has-had — two brothers . ’
3 ‘ I am only a poor woman and I have had no time to prepare my place properly .
4 Income support is available for people of 18 yrs or over whose incomes are below a certain level and who are not working 16hrs or more a week .
5 The dates are only a general indication and not definitive .
6 We are only a small organisation and there are many conflicting demands on our time .
7 We 've been together a long time and people in the band like Paul and Mark and Gaz have a few things to prove themselves .
8 This has met with considerable resistance from the staff who have pointed out that the smoking restrictions at Chesser House are merely a voluntary agreement and are not Council policy in the same way as restrictions at Regional Headquarters and Regional Chambers .
9 Bonington commented on his experiences at sea : ‘ I am not a natural sailor and found being on a very small boat without exercise very trying .
10 Ordinarily I am not a quick thinker but this situation was very clear ; it took me only seconds to realize that Matt , with his family , needed the job more than I did , so I said to Fred , ‘ In that case , I would like to resign ’ .
11 The problem is that users are not a homogeneous group and their needs may conflict .
12 Lone-parent families are not a homogeneous group and it is difficult to obtain reliable estimates of the numbers of families and children involved .
13 One parent families are not a static group and just as certain circumstances bring them into existence , so with others they may disappear .
14 Etiquette and good manners are not a middle-class pastime or an optional extra for nice people .
15 Much of the psychological pain caused by infertility of either partner comes from the idea that you are not a real man or a real woman if , for any reason , some small part of your reproductive system works inadequately .
16 On the other hand , damages are not a discretionary remedy and so the courts do not have as much control over the award of this remedy as over the judicial review remedies .
17 I am normally a law-abiding citizen but I had not a single scruple .
18 Fiona Chambers , head of the parent/school partnership , said : ‘ We 're not a rich school and ca n't afford the continuous cost of vandalism and theft .
19 People all the time wish to pigeon-hole you … to say that I am totally a chat-show host or I am entirely a serious headmistress figure .
20 They are still a great club and they had several internationals out there . ’
21 Despite all the fine statements that young people are the future of the country , they are still a disadvantaged group and will remain so until they are made a priority policy target .
22 Like many soldierly rulers of his time — like many soldierly rulers since — he seems to have been both a superstitious man and one imbued with a very real sense of the sacred .
23 Flowers are also a popular buy and there are a number of flower shops as well as flower-sellers in the market and by the cathedral .
24 I am a gardener of the physical who spend many hours tending my flowers but I am also a mental gardener and spend even more hours tending transcendent flowers .
25 Before 1914 , war propaganda had not been traditionally a British trait and the authorities leaned to use it following the examples of the French and Germans .
26 Before 1914 , war propaganda had not been traditionally a British trait and the authorities leaned to use it following the examples of the French and Germans .
27 ‘ Yes , I am now a German citizen but I remain a Russian , all ups and downs .
28 The dining room and kitchen are now a financial asset and a major addition to the atmosphere of the school .
29 We must prove to the world that not only have we grown rapidly , but that we are now a mature company and an industry leader .
30 The size of the latent inhibition effect should decline as the interval is increased and the short-term effect is lost ; and when the exposure conditions are poor for association formation ( e.g. when there is just a single , brief exposure ) there may be only a short-term effect and no latent inhibition at all at the longer interval .
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