Example sentences of "be [adv] well [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Phil Philips , deputy secretary of the British Hotels , Restaurants and Caterers Association , said : ‘ People in the industry are much better educated about AIDS than they were in 1987 . ’
2 Many commodity markets are institutionally well suited to speculation , having developed facilities for buying crops before they are harvested ( futures markets ) for small down-payments ( margin trading ) .
3 As has been shown , analysis of NCTs main 1979 survey results demonstrates that in general poorer people , less well educated people , those in lower social classes , old people and women rather than men are less well informed about credit , and more likely to use a type of credit out of habit or convenience rather than as a matter of rational choice .
4 However , the British breeds are considered better for meat quality and taste and also for thrift and adaptability ; they remain in demand as sucklers , whereas the French and other large continental breeds are perhaps better suited as beef sires for commercial crossbreeding in dairy herds .
5 What may be thought surprising is the absence of Celtic deities which are so well represented in stone sculpture and reliefs , especially in the west .
6 The rest had been so well prepared for work by their previous sixteen years of socialisation that they found few problems .
7 The piano works of Igor Stravinsky are not well represented on CD , so the re-issue of Michel Béroff 's recordings is to be welcomed with open arms .
8 ‘ You 're damn well going to sleep with me , ’ he countered bluntly , disregarding this comprehensive schedule .
9 But despite her own achievements , she does not believe women are any better equipped for communication , emotional expression and partnership than men .
10 Empirical evidence suggests that erm migrants are reasonably well informed about employment prospects in urban areas .
11 Biology graduates are also well qualified for employment in the newer biotechnology-based industries .
12 Numbers are also better suited to computer operations with the result that the process of searching the tree is made computationally simple .
13 We are exceptionally well equipped for research — equipment includes a fluorescence activated cell sorter ( FACS ) , a peptide synthesiser and excellent facilities for tissue culture , molecular biology and bio-computing as well as extensive animal accommodation .
14 Lucky child , to be so well cared for while others suffer so much !
15 And as Henley and Shiplake were stations easily accessible from London , a course in the Harpsden vicinity would be exceptionally well located for train travelling golfers .
16 He is probably right , too , in thinking that she would be far better known in art historical terms had she stayed in France , where her daring move into abstraction was more appreciated , than returning dutifully to the provincial inertia of Dublin .
17 It should be added ( see Appendix II ) that the discussion groups suggest that Asian borrowers may be particularly well informed about credit cost comparisons , while West Indian borrowers may be relatively badly informed .
18 The discussion groups ( made up of people who used or at least wanted to use credit ) suggest that while Asians may be relatively well informed about credit and particularly likely to use bank loans , West Indians are likely to use on-the-spot credit sources such as hire purchase .
19 Their long arms are particularly well adapted to life in trees .
20 The figures also demonstrate how well matched are the action and control samples : that in both places they were well matched on age , proportion with an involved relative/ friend , proportion in owner-occupied housing , and on OBS score ; they were less well matched on gender and on proportion without an inside lavatory ( though the difference was not great ) , and least well matched on marital status and on proportion living alone , with the Ipswich control sample and the Newham action sample being more likely to be married and ( therefore ) not living alone .
21 The 1984 Kirklees Report showed that ethnic minority clients were not well represented among CAB clients at the time .
22 For this they were peculiarly well suited by reason of their durability , portability , uniformity and ease of recognition ; Cowries probably came into use as currency as early as the Shang dynasty .
23 Instead , Willis found that his lads were very well prepared for work in factories where they could use the same ‘ survival ’ techniques as they had learned at school .
24 Ricketts , too , pitched his types into the Thames when the Vale Press closed in 1904 ; and , fortunately for the river which , as Alan Thomas observed , must have been pretty well clogged with type , Lucien Pissarro chose the English Channel for the Eragny equipment .
25 That analysis is so well understood in North America that their discrimination statutes merely enact a general prohibition on employment discrimination on account of disability .
26 There are many species of ‘ flying ’ squirrels , but none of these is so well equipped for flight as the colugo , their gliding membranes being not nearly so extensive .
27 Australia has major coal , gas and uranium reserves but is less well endowed with oil .
28 Strategic information is generally modest in volume ( only megabits in information-theory terms ) , of the highest importance to the business historian , and is generally well preserved on paper media in corporate archives .
29 However , the XE is not well supported by software houses , and although it still has a lot of games , most of these are very old .
30 None of the surface techniques gave a well-defined and unambiguous response , and the yields of boreholes tapping these features were generally disappointing , suggesting that fracturing is not well developed at depth .
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