Example sentences of "be [adv] so [adj] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , decisions are rarely so rational or even conscious .
2 While I am happy that our efforts to keep more heavy traffic off the roads should achieve front page prominence , I am not so keen that so much journalistic ‘ topspin ’ should have been applied in the process .
3 The ‘ implications ’ of literacy are not so obvious nor so easily elicited or described as Goody suggests .
4 The effector processes become slower and less powerful but these effects are not so marked or so consistent .
5 Yeah you see , well when we were looking you see so many and you think ooh that looks nice , ooh that 's nice but some of them are just so squadgy and well nice if you , if that 's how you want to sit
6 It will be good , it will be an achievement , they must learn to live together , they 've got to , and they can , they can already , they 're both so wonderful and so intelligent and they like and respect each other very much , that 's absolutely clear .
7 If we 're really so bad and so thick that we 'd actually use all those wonderful H-bombs and Neutron bombs on each other , then maybe it 's just as well we do wipe ourselves out before we can get into space and start doing horrible things to other races . ’
8 However , environments are usually so variable that even if the conditions are good where the animal is now , they probably will not be in a month 's time ; it may then be better to be a hundred miles south .
9 They are both so likeable and even though they are of different races and sex .
10 If you are up so bright and early we will be able to set off in very good time . ’
11 And here we 've got a couple that happen to be olive trees , and I , I 'm not so sure that just the fact that they 're olive trees really is that important .
12 Then he realised that they were presumably so poor that even a choice of cornflakes or lumpy porridge , along with underdone toast and margarine , had the overwhelming attraction of being free .
13 ‘ I wish my sight were not so powerful and so cunning … .
14 In those days , children were not so sheltered as now from the pressures of adult life , and the exploitation of child prodigies for material gain was not frowned upon .
15 ‘ She and Elizabeth , they were just so talented and so go-getting .
16 It was as if a light had been extinguished ; the colours which were once so bright and clear had grown blurred and faded .
17 But Mr and Mrs Wormwood were both so gormless and so wrapped up in their own silly little lives that they failed to notice anything unusual about their daughter .
18 If the behaviour patterns of the good citizen as delineated by Home Office ministers were both so lacking and so necessary to cultivate as they suggested , the schools ' function in laying the essential foundations was transparently obvious .
19 He was forever denouncing me during Parliamentary Questions in the most lurid terms but the denunciations were invariably so protracted that even his own side lost interest .
20 There were weaknesses — batteries were neither so good nor so light as they are today and in any case this was the first step .
21 Many of Morse 's ideas were either so strange or so wildly improbable that most of them were always doomed to early disappointment .
22 Already in November 1941 , the SD was reporting ‘ disappointment that the final smashing of Bolshevism is not taking place as rapidly as hoped and that no end of the eastern campaign is in sight ’ , a dampening of optimism at the news of the first falls of snow and the feeling that further advancement might be extremely difficult , puzzlement at the failure to advance further when the Russian troops were allegedly so poor and so badly equipped , concern at the reports of continued tough resistance of the Soviet army , and pessimism that ‘ the way to the Urals was still a long one , and the partisan war could still last a good while ’ .
23 Most of the game is mental — being able to keep your head clear and retain a certain outlook on life should mean that bad times are neither so frequent nor so lengthy as they would be if you start examining your technique or doubting your ability .
24 A mass of evidence follows , most of it from sound medical sources , that the medical profession has become hopelessly hooked on prescription drugs ; that the drugs are neither so effective nor so safe as our doctors would have us believe ; and that the public and the profession is being remorselessly taken for a ride by the pharmaceutical industry .
25 But if that 's the case , he 's obviously so accurate that maybe he should try hitting them close for a change !
26 The North Sea is obviously so shaped that very strong northerly winds can cause a piling up of water in the southern part of the sea , either because the escape route through the Straits of Dover is narrow , or because it is quite possible for the winds in the North Sea to be predominantly northerly while the winds in the English Channel are predominantly westerly .
27 There is not so much as even a prima facie case for imagining that the ad hoc domestic forces available for the Latin music and the English devotional settings bore any close resemblance to the stereotyped and institutionalized vocal dispositions ( SAATB , succeeding SATB and SATTB ) supplied by the contemporary church choir ; these several bodies of music need to be addressed separately .
28 No doubt his model was better , and the Niobid Painter 's Peirithous is not so bad though still not a great success .
29 In case ( c ) the law is not so clear and frequently other factors are present out of which a consideration for the promise can be manufactured .
30 It is worth mentioning that the final is not so theoretical as perhaps believed : 40 per cent of the marks are allocated in the practical paper .
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