Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv prt] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 We must have been right out in the sticks .
2 It 's an aircraft which has been rarely out of the headlines in it 's 25 years with the RAF .
3 It you are constantly down in the dumps over the price of fleecewear then this may be the answer to your prayers .
4 Your financial situation can improve , but you may have to wait until next year before you are entirely out of the woods .
5 There is something very disturbing about a benefit system which will prop up Mr Deaves until he gets back on his business feet , yet is reluctant to help people who are literally out on the streets .
6 The only championship now open to Falls ' senior side is the PGL Division One title as they are already out of the CIS Irish Senior Cup and the PGL Milk Senior Cup which continues on Wednesday night with the following fixtures .
7 But we are not out of the woods .
8 A goal from Cliftonville striker Ron Manley in the first half was enough to settle this most disappointing affair ; the only consolation for Linfield is that they 're already through to the quarter-finals .
9 We have been and some would still have us believe , I think it 's true , we 're not out of the woods yet as far as er er recovery of the housing market is concerned .
10 It helps to remind the tourists of our native bush and that they 're now out in the wilds . ’
11 I sit on the side of the bed and decide maybe Rachel is right : I 'd be better off between the sheets than listening to this dross .
12 Some people in the Labour Party seem to believe that Labour will be better off without the unions .
13 You would be better off in the personnel department .
14 They could imagine what conditions must be like up in the mountains , having done their stint in the sticks at one time or another .
15 Ever-changing regulations cause stress both because of the need to become familiar with new rules and because of the sensitivity needed to cope with clients who may be worse off after the changes .
16 I 'm either up in the clouds or down in the dumps — you ought to know that by now .
17 I mean increasingly we see that we 're , we get more constables here more constables there , but they do n't ever appear to be actually out on the streets , and until we can get more men on the streets with the deterrent effect that their appearance has , let alone anything else , we are not gon na get much further .
18 We are then off into the players lounge for a few beers beforehand , then a few more after .
19 ‘ When I left you last night you were positively down in the dumps ; today you 're — you 're … ’ she made a helpless gesture with her hands , searching for the right adjective ‘ … you 're sizzling !
20 They were n't out of the woods yet — far from it .
21 There 's not six men left , and all the cattle are away , for they were n't out at the shielings yet .
22 The events of the day , trivial and unexciting , or the latest political scandal revealing another name to be added to the black list of those whose lives were made bearable by being well in with the Communists ?
23 No that 's only on at the weekends darling
24 ‘ Everyone 's so down in the dumps and poor .
25 It is not up to the villagers what programs will be organized .
26 If someone 's performance is not up to the standards set by the injunctions , no allowances are made , even if they are doing their best to cope with severe or even impossible demands .
27 ‘ Did your husband really love you and help you ? ’ after a drink or two and ‘ How do you know he is not out with the girls where he is ?
28 The scheme is not out of the woods yet ; and rather than break the law Maxen last week filled in the local VATman 's registration form .
29 He is back home with mother Christine now but she yesterday said : ‘ The medical advice is that he is not out of the woods yet . ’
30 Though its international activities and long term contracts business appear to offer some cause for cheer , it seems that Egham , Surrey-based consultancy P-E International Plc is not out of the woods yet .
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