Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv] [verb] with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some general managers had been rather unfairly linked with cost containment and cutbacks .
2 The modern paradox , that the areas of Yugoslavia which are most richly endowed with mineral resources and other industrial raw materials are the least economically developed , can only be understood in the context of the long centuries of neglect from which Yugoslavia south of the Danube-Sava line suffered during the Ottoman period .
3 As many parts of the brain contain cells of varying size , which may not all be involved in the same functions , biases of this sort may determine which functions are most strongly associated with unit activity .
4 Soils which are water soluble are so often mixed with water insoluble soils that they are not readily dissolved by water on its own .
5 The patches between the eyes and the ears ( which are only lightly covered with fur ) , the lips , and chin and the tail are all richly supplied with glands producing fatty secretions .
6 SECTARIANISM has always been one of the prime causes of conflict in Northern Ireland , because religion has been so closely identified with politics .
7 Thunderclouds are already highly charged with electricity .
8 Higher spreads from high-yield bonds have historically overcompensated for the default rate … historical evidence indicates that general economic downturns are not closely correlated with peak high-yield default rates …
9 Students are not simply presented with grammar rules — instead grammar is treated as a problem-solving activity .
10 Political upheaval and war are not necessarily associated with curriculum change ; and even when they are , change seems habitually to be followed by a reversion to the status quo ante , a tendency to equate change with relabelling , a reassertion of institutional inertia .
11 I think our problem is that we 're too closely identified with beer , and traditional draught beer at that .
12 Watercolour papers are usually internally sized with gelatine ( Hot Pressed papers tend also to have a surface sizing ) which prevents water and colour from seeping into the paper fibres and through to the back .
13 For example , each model sees the amount of legitimacy conferred upon a dispute as influencing the way it is handled by the police ; and there is similar agreement that deep-seated ‘ ideological issues ’ are more commonly associated with disorder than more mundane ‘ material issues ’ .
14 Disc grinders are still generally associated with trade use — cutting paving slabs , car bodywork repairs and the like .
15 As a form of dianthus , sweet Williams are closely related to the garden pinks , any of which are also richly endowed with scent , like the old favourite Mrs Sinkins .
16 They are also closely associated with University College Cork , which makes it particularly pleasant to welcome them to Queen 's for their first visit .
17 The postcrania are also heavily scored with tooth marks , some present as deep sinuous grooves and some as multiple striated flattened grooves ( Fig. 1.3 C-F ) .
18 If the project gets the green light , engines will be produced in Nordhausen , formerly in East Germany , where motor workers are also currently threatened with redundancy .
19 Both new private housing estates and council estates are often peripherally located with respect to the existing village ( Pahl 1965b ; Blacksell and Gilg 1981 ) .
20 Inlays may be very small in area and are often closely mixed with corrosion products from the metal into which the niello was set , so the analysis technique also has to distinguish the niello inlay from corrosion and the metal of the inlaid object itself .
21 It is sad but true that existing houses are often poorly located with respect to current jobs and services .
22 Where are the networks to support and give refuge to those Arabs , long resident in this country , who , like Abbas Shiblak , are now illegally threatened with deportation ?
23 It is difficult to believe that a writer who writes such drivel as does Paul Gallico could be so unpleasantly deluded with grandeur .
24 Surface waters in contact with melting ice tend to be very thinly populated with zooplankton .
25 It argued in the early days that to be too closely allied with Catholicism would deter a broad membership , which is now drawn from among protestants , muslims , baptists , Jews — and , it emphasises proudly , atheists .
26 ‘ Six-year-olds are n't exactly brimming with curiosity about gays and lesbians — or sexuality in general .
27 The great treeless plains from Salamanca to Valladolid were most economically employed with wheat and grazed fallows , while other poorer provinces — Avila for instance — could grow little else , even if it meant wretched crops and three-year fallows .
28 The controversy received a new lease of life in March 1983 when the Irish Farmers Monthly published a confidential , internal IBM report and claimed that up to 2,000 acres of agricultural land near the mine were so badly contaminated with lead , zinc and arsenic that they were unsuitable for agriculture .
29 Not all religious sites were so openly associated with water , however , despite its popularity in Celtic theology , but caution is necessary when trying to identify religion as the primary function for a settlement 's foundation and continued existence , as so many small towns possessed at least one temple .
30 The graves had to be searched for in what looked like a clearing in a pine wood , they were so thickly overgrown with grass and heather .
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