Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv] [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Newspaper announcement , June 1794 : ‘ The public are most respectfully informed that Mr Edmund Bond ( late a Pupil of the Veterinary College ) has undergone an Examination before the Medical Committee , and the following is a Copy of their Report : These are to certify that Mr Edmund Bond has attended the Veterinary College as a Resident Pupil for Eighteen Months , and having been examined by us , we consider him as qualified to practise the Veterinary Art .
2 The Guardian 's cartoonist showed one health official saying to another : ‘ These regional days of action are so badly organized that Len Murray has to ring up Norman Fowler to ask where they are being held . ’
3 A survey has found that some hospitals are so badly designed that doctors spend four hours of every working day just walking from one ward to another .
4 It should be possible to obtain a compromise which is effective in the legislation and which says , in effect , ’ There will be some crossings which are so rarely used that people are not inconvenienced by their closure . ’
5 Ground-nests are so well concealed that predators can easily overlook them even when they are only a few feet away .
6 Within the central parsec , stars play a more direct role because they are so tightly packed that collisions between them , including tidal disruption , may be sufficiently common to inject significant quantities of gas into the interstellar medium .
7 I think if you compared people who are struggling with very little resources with very low incomes , and with er living in areas of kind of multiple deprivation , erm , then you would , you would find that maybe people in those circumstances have higher rates of of trouble and sometimes it 's er it 's also those areas that are more heavily policed that children are more likely to be picked up in , and picked on .
8 It can not be too strongly stressed that people who use public parks enjoy seeing the building that was once its raison d'être .
9 Bush has made it plain that US forces are there simply to ensure that relief gets through to those who need it , although it might help more if the troops sorted out the renegade gangs stealing the food .
10 They were rather like saying that French was less logical than Russian .
11 Hedgerows existed in Saxon times and by the time Domesday was commissioned in 1086 the boundaries of parishes were so firmly fixed that William 's Norman officials were able to calculate within close limits , the exact area of thousands of settlements and their capacity to contribute to the royal exchequer !
12 It is so well known that women who smoke risk giving birth to underweight babies that the labels on cigarette packets in America caution that ‘ smoking may complicate pregnancy . ’
13 Polo parks ( one was constructed recently at Châteaux Giscours ) , marble bottling halls ( Michel Delon 's at Léoville-Lascases is so highly polished that workers have been issued with special boots ) , Versailles-style formal gardens with sunken cellars provide the spectacular icing on the cake of wealth accumulated by the leading châteaux over the last decade by the simple expedient of charging much more for their wines than it costs to make them .
14 Perhaps it is not generally known that David Farrington 's research on criminal careers suggests that the single most effective crime prevention policy is nursery education , which is denied to so many children in inner city areas .
15 It is not widely realised that Germans of all political complexions have identified the fate of their country with that of Europe .
16 This is not simply to say that emotions are expressed , but that emotions are reformed , cleansed , redirected and redeemed .
17 However , in practice although earnings vary , it is not always observed that dividends fall as earnings fall .
18 Sage , rosemary and lavender need no visual description , though it is not always realized that sage has spikes of vividly blue-mauve flowers which last a long time and are highly magnetic to bees .
19 However , it is not always recognized that individuality is itself a cultural concept : there can be no private independent real person dissociated from the cultural values which define the society in which the individual lives .
20 Finally , to describe the family in these terms is not necessarily to argue that societies other than those so-called ‘ industrial societies ’ may not possess some of these familial features as well .
21 It is not therefore assumed that people have a' consciousness ' ( false or otherwise ) or a system or knowledge about the outside world , but only that they have a more or less adequate collection of competences in dealing with particular instances of it .
22 In the spirit of this observation , however , it is not enough to argue that Marx 's views have been shown to be false by the continuing development of capitalist socialisation .
23 So , on the other hand , feminists want another kind of knowledge — based on believing that it is not enough to establish that Angelica Kauffman was productive and well respected in both difficult and popular forms of art .
24 So the absence of fossils from the west is not enough to prove that humans did not originate there .
25 The great endeavour which Peter Scott and a small group of inspired people began in 1961 may be said to have only just started to have the worldwide impact which will help mankind to learn once again to develop in full harmony with the natural world , but it is already indelibly clear that Peter 's influence and determination has been crucial in creating a force that will not be denied its place of importance on a planet which , in the foreseeable future , may be required to support a human population of double its present size .
26 It is already widely acknowledged that Germany has been able to augment her political weight , especially in European affairs , by pursuing her interests under the European banner .
27 It 's not enough to say that things can be done differently or better .
28 The list of observed bands ( Table 5.12 ) shows that all the IR bands observed coincide with Raman bands ( within 20 cm -1 , which is close enough considering that IR and Raman spectra are of different phases ) , and the number of Raman bands is indeed nine .
29 Although it is still popularly assumed that men are more prone to fall prey to the ravages of ‘ burnout ’ due to overwork and unhealthy lifestyle , all the evidence now points to women , especially aged between 35 and 50 , as today 's prime targets of stress .
30 It is also generally believed that people with cancer should not be massaged because cancer cells may start to spread to the rest of the body via the lymphatic system .
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