Example sentences of "be [adv] [adj] [noun sg] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Scenes are also still hand-coloured in order to give them the classic Disney feel , but developments in automatic colouring systems could well change this before too long .
2 ‘ Besides , it occurred to me that Rex might be deliberately misleading Heather in order to prevent her discovering some connection between Clare and himself . ’
3 Availability of the medication should be under careful control in view of the dangers involved in overdosage .
4 ( It is also preferable to rug them in cold or wet weather , but they need to be under daily supervision in case the rug slips . )
5 Although there seems to be fairly clear evidence in favour of an interactional view of sentence comprehension , there remains the question of whether syntactic analysis is optional or obligatory .
6 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the fact that the machinery control order is to be placed with that fine company , Vosper Thornycroft , will be very good news in south Hampshire ?
7 While margins were under severe pressure in commodity style products due to the import of low priced promotional products from the Orient , unit sales overall increased in both the mass and department store markets .
8 Although somewhat modified by southern customs deriving from the written Roman law of the Midi , the constitutions of Bordeaux , Bayonne and smaller towns such as Libourne , La Réole or St Emilion were primarily northern French in derivation and inspiration .
9 There 's less phallic symbolism in architecture than people might like to imagine .
10 It is not unlike end-play in chess .
11 The glycocalyx of platelets is thicker and more dense than surface coats of other blood cells and is rich in glycoproteins ( Berndt & Phillips , 1981 ) , which is not surprising bearing in mind the number of receptor functions and transport mechanisms active at the platelet surface .
12 There is also close similarity in language in certain stories found only in Matthew and Luke ( for example , compare Matt.
13 It 's really boring being in prison as well .
14 There is now new realism in sentencing .
15 There is singularly little chance in industry to put your feet up , and become self-satisfied , or set in your ways , for the tide will just sweep you away .
16 Similarly , gender neutrality which is theoretically desirable might in practice have little to commend it if introduced into the law of rape as it is presently constructed .
17 Although this may seem harsh it is actually natural selection in action .
18 Dr Betteridge is currently Senior Lecturer in Medicine at University College , London , and Honorary Consultant Physician at University College Hospital .
19 It 's very frustrating being in prison .
20 No , I do n't think that had a great deal to do with it , erm it was question that when the town was designed the , there had n't been this sudden burst in living standards .
21 Her house was always freezing cold in winter , although she did not seem to notice it .
22 Dr. Bernard L. Pitcher was the first born-deaf man in Britain to gain a doctorate , and in 1988 , was still alive living in retirement at Worthing , Sussex where he was the secretary of the local deaf club .
23 A MAN who doused his clothes with petrol and set himself on fire in a bank in Co Tipperary was under intensive care in hospital today .
24 Rachel had been at OBEX for two years and was now senior sister in charge of the busy factory medical centre .
25 Although one of the gowns sent by Tamar was quite deep brown in colour , the other was of a pretty shade of blue , which would set off Martha 's eyes , which were the same deep blue as her father 's .
26 It was almost pure white in colour , with mane and tail of silvery-grey .
27 He was previously chief executive in charge of engineering with BP .
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