Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv] so [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 All of which goes to show that masculine reason and logic are perhaps not so strong as you may have supposed .
2 been organized , in many instances , on the same principles as the factory or office production line , and ’ … staffed by serried ranks of detail workers whose pay scales , if they are better than those of factory operatives or clerical workers , are perhaps not so good as those of craftsmen , and who dispose of little more working independence and authority than the production worker .
3 In fact the staff student ratios of the early 1980s are not much different from the pre-expansion figures , though they are generally not so good as in Britain or the US .
4 Overall , they are not nearly so trendy as articles about architecture which let the fortuitous effect of individual photographs lead the text into exaggeration and bombast .
5 However , arrested development may also occur as a result of both acquired and age immunity in the host and although the proportions of larvae arrested are not usually so high as in hypobiosis they can play an important part in the epidemiology of nematode infections .
6 Several other offences are included in the above regulations but are not quite so common as the offence outlined .
7 Czechoslovakia is better off than the other East European nations and has committed 2 per cent of its investment to environmental projects , but there once again are to be found the same dreary environmental statistics of rivers poisoned , sewage untreated , sulphur dioxide deposited and trees dying , even if the figures are not quite so bad as elsewhere .
8 They 're not really so complicated as perhaps they might look in the first place .
9 Nowadays theologians are n't quite so straightforward as Paley .
10 Such stringed instruments were perhaps not so rare as their apparent survival would suggest ; the Bergh Apton and Morningthorpe examples indicate that they are not the preserve of rich , perhaps royal , burials .
11 If training and competing were exacting , they were not nearly so exacting as plantation work .
12 Human beings he found , yet again , were not nearly so interesting as animals and besides , his bare legs had been stung by the nettles that grew thickly round the boathouse .
13 ‘ But clever though the cruel invaders were , they were not quite so clever as they believed .
14 Florence Nightingale has been the inspiration for twentieth-century nursing ; every now and then a historian attempts to point out that there may have been aspects of her life which were not quite so saintly as we believe , but this does not shatter her image .
15 They were n't quite so stupid as to believe wholly their own propaganda .
16 To backtrack a little , the case is perhaps not so monolithic as I have implied : for which we have to return to the detail of Callinicos ' ‘ No ’ to Lukács .
17 The three trombones are therefore only equal to one , and the bass line is thus not so heavy as would appear from the list of instruments employed on it .
18 One is not normally so lucky as to be able to link a coinage so specifically to a historical event or particular date and usually more indirect methods must be used .
19 It is clear from this , he said , that the connection between an insurer or insurance broker and his client is not nearly so firm as , for example , that between a solicitor and his client .
20 This description is not nearly so condescending as that produced by Hannah More .
21 The approach to management is not quite so lackadaisical as it once was , but there is still a long way to go , particularly in employment policies within the companies .
22 Although much of the mapping is relatively straightforward to automate because it is rule based , there are exceptions and therefore the mapping in a real database application is not quite so straightforward as implied here .
23 There is also the problem of breaking with tradition ; the House of Lords is accustomed to having the assistance of judgments from the Court of Appeal following full and careful consideration of detailed argument on the points of principle involved in an atmosphere which , though busy , is not quite so frenetic as that of the High Court .
24 Besides , it is not quite so urgent as I thought .
25 However , the situation is not quite so clear as it initially appears to be : in some earlier studies poly 3-deazaadenylic acid was shown to form unusually stable 1:1 and 1:2 duplexes with poly U ( 13 ) .
26 Norwich is not quite so compact as erm Canterbury thought is it ? for people who ca n't walk .
27 Er , you may be glad to know , or unhappy to know , that I 'm actually still on contact with the health service because I 'm a non-executive director of the Royal London Trust , which works of course , in Whitechapel , one of the poorer areas of London , and it 's not quite so glamorous as Guys , but actually it 's doing quite a good job .
28 You will find it is n't nearly so bad as you expected !
29 Well , erm , I know the forecast is n't quite so brilliant as it has been , I think but
30 Parker smoked and drank his beer and it was not nearly so bad as he had first supposed .
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