Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv] [vb pp] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Staff Targets for new weapon systems are most often written for the replacement of existing equipments that are likely to become obsolescent in a specific time-frame .
2 The first three instruments here are obviously not intended for the serious player but for the beginner , or to be strummed once in a while as a second or third instrument .
3 If you lack confidence in your ability to give her the right kind of help and comfort , but really want to do so , you have nothing to fear , because this probably means that you are much better equipped for the task than you imagine .
4 Its influence must have been very considerable for the boy to have been so successfully supported for the kingship against an adult rival .
5 ‘ Plans are already well advanced for a new formal which will have the added attraction of a free champagne reception and all-night party afterwards . ’
6 Crew arriving by air to join a yacht are not normally asked for an onward ticket : however , nationals who need visas for Spain should have a letter from the owner of the yacht stating that the crew is joining the yacht at Las Palmas .
7 Their damage to cereals is mainly in the spring when the young rabbits are most numerous , but they are not often credited for the plus side of their food intake .
8 Most of the following communities are not actually recorded for the Outer Hebrides in the NVC ( unless explicitly stated ) but might well occur .
9 Alright , not only do we have competing products on the farm , but we have joint products on the farm , in that if you rear sheep , sheep are not only used for the meat that they produce , but also the wheat the er , the wool that 's on , that 's on their backs .
10 They may appear to be sexually aware but they are just not prepared for the physical , emotional or sexual consequences .
11 You 're so well known for the ES295 Gibson guitar that it became dubbed the ‘ Scotty Moore ’ model , but you did n't use that guitar all the time , did you ?
12 Epic have been fabulous ; they 're much better known for the Michael Jacksons and George Michaels of this world , but they 've been really helpful to me … ’
13 If you take that home and read the small print , you 'll find you 're probably not covered for the very things that are going to go wrong .
14 In any case , you 're almost never bailed for a rape charge .
15 Grants of any kind are usually only given for a proportion of the cost of the work to be done , but when necessary , local authorities can make loans for the balance , on which interest has to be paid .
16 Cement and exotic natural rocks have been used to simulate flint pebbles , because they are more easily drilled for the insertion of radioactive material .
17 Independence has brought some improvement in status , but women are still not recognised for the important role they play in society .
18 Care managers can come from a wide range of professional backgrounds though social work professionals are probably best trained for the role .
19 Some authorities operate superannuation funds on behalf of their past and present employees and these fund accounts are often not consolidated for the same reason .
20 The joint venture company has already received the assent of Germany 's monopolies and merger commission and plans are now well advanced for the construction of a new 4,000 sq m warehouse and transit facility in the Munich area .
21 As we have seen in the previous chapter , the terms semiotics or semiology are now usually used for the general theory of signs , which in its European structuralist versions has played an enormously important role in modern literary theory .
22 The consolation for him and for Britain is that he has been far better prepared for the emotional pressures of his destiny than ever his father was .
23 ‘ I 'm not exactly dressed for a place like this ! ’
24 As speculation mounts that players in general — and those from the successful counties in particular — should be more generously compensated for the effort they put in there is a growing fear that the amateur ethos may come under threat .
25 You could n't be more ideally placed for an action-packed holiday this Summer than in the smart and lively Copacabana hotel .
26 You may find that she will need to lean on you a little for several months to speak and act for her in matters she can not give her full attention to , because she will be quite rightly absorbed for the time being in grieving , which is mentally and emotionally very hard work indeed .
27 Predictably , excessive travel , the fact that county pros are n't better treated for the work they do compared to golfers or tennis players , and the lack of consideration for players in the winter .
28 It is positively helpful if his poems are written out as prose ( as they actually often are in the case of those lyrics embedded in prose treatises as opposed to independent lyrics ) because they are then naturally read for the speaking voice and not with any expectation of the regularity roused by the sight of poetic form .
29 People first settled there perhaps 130000 or 120000 years ago and the site seems to have been almost continuously occupied for the next 40000 to 8000 years .
30 That too is a problem , but I must say that we were much better prepared for the Inter-Continental Cup than a couple of other tournaments — that only makes our failure to qualify more disappointing .
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