Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv] [vb pp] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The largest 25 producers account for more than 50% of the area planted and it is their names which are most often seen on merchant 's lists .
2 They are most often found on drawer divans .
3 Never before have Corelli 's 12 Concerti grossi , Op. 6 been so plentifully represented on disc .
4 Saussure himself uses the example of polite formulas many of which , as he says , do seem to be ‘ imbued with a certain natural expressiveness ’ , but which are nevertheless entirely based on convention .
5 ‘ Oh , I scarcely think so , ’ she said carelessly , ‘ I am not much set on jewellery , you know … ’
6 Wages in Japan are not simply based on age alone .
7 The piano works of Igor Stravinsky are not well represented on CD , so the re-issue of Michel Béroff 's recordings is to be welcomed with open arms .
8 They are not only based on nature , they copy nature , line almost for line .
9 The workings of the Board and its committees are more fully described on page 23 .
10 Many of the other common aneuploidies ( such as trisomy 13 , trisomy 18 , and Turner 's syndrome-XO ) are associated with physical abnormalities that are more readily appreciated on ultrasound scanning than the subtle ones associated with Down 's syndrome .
11 Intradural extramedullary metastases from primary intracranial malignancies are also readily identified on contrast enhanced MRI .
12 Algal fertilizers ( totally unnecessary , in my opinion ! ) are nearly always based on sodium nitrate and the same test procedure should be conducted as above if it is found absolutely imperative to use it .
13 A study commissioned by the CPRE called Superb Conversions ? concluded that the five arguments used to justify the conversion of a farm building are often not met on completion of the renovation .
14 The patient does not have to be positioned uncomfortably as in myelography and multiple sites of cord compression , which are often not seen on myelography or computed tomographic myelography , can be visualised .
15 For instance , non-standard or value-added lines are now frequently targeted on customer segments which seek to avoid tile purchase of standardised products , whether these are foodstuffs , clothes , computers or industrial machinery .
16 And we 'll give them a fork and knife and I wo n't go into it in great detail but everything is going to be the six courses will be entirely accurately served on bread plates over on pewter trenchers .
17 The rights and wrongs of the case are frequently effectively settled on motion for interim relief .
18 Opinion polls in Britain are almost always conducted on quota samples .
19 The figures also demonstrate how well matched are the action and control samples : that in both places they were well matched on age , proportion with an involved relative/ friend , proportion in owner-occupied housing , and on OBS score ; they were less well matched on gender and on proportion without an inside lavatory ( though the difference was not great ) , and least well matched on marital status and on proportion living alone , with the Ipswich control sample and the Newham action sample being more likely to be married and ( therefore ) not living alone .
20 About half of the infants in each group were not clinically dehydrated on presentation to hospital ( 102 ( 47% ) in group A and 99 ( 53% ) in group B ) , 102 ( 47% ) in group A and 75 ( 40% ) in group B were mildly dehydrated ( by up to 5% ) , 10 ( 5% ) in group A and 11 ( 6% ) in group B were moderately dehydrated ( 5–10% ) , and only one child in group A and two in group B were dehydrated by 10% or more .
21 And while the fact that the women were almost exclusively found on conversion courses , and in computing , the difference between men and women can not be explained by IT course type alone .
22 Our survey suggested that , in the three districts studied , people on section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983 and those who were being discharged after at least six months in hospital were almost always included on care programmes , but for people being discharged from hospital after briefer admissions , for those who were being treated outside hospital and for elderly people with both functional and organic disorders , the decision to formulate a care programme was determined by particular considerations .
23 At about this time tights were no longer worn on stage : ‘ wet white ’ was used for the Girls ' legs .
24 In time , the system came to be criticized for being too narrowly focused on land use ( to the exclusion of social planning ) , as well as for being slow and inflexible .
25 Foreign business also has a more practical complaint : because of China 's credit squeeze , bills are no longer paid on time .
26 Strategic information is generally modest in volume ( only megabits in information-theory terms ) , of the highest importance to the business historian , and is generally well preserved on paper media in corporate archives .
27 They argue that the creation of a market in index futures diverts volume that is not primarily based on information about a specific company away from the stock market , and so the remaining trades in shares are more information-based than before .
28 A " states paid " defence is not automatically transferred on receipt of the defence .
29 It is not directly represented on Senate which is the supreme academic body .
30 The EFL is not directly imposed on wage and industrial costs , so that these have sometimes risen within the total EFL at the cost of lower investment , higher prices or a reduced quality of service .
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