Example sentences of "be [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Chairmen of football clubs are only in the papers and on the radio when the team is up the creek .
2 All the big guns are through to the semi-finals as expected .
3 The Code provides that the search should be discontinued if it is clear that the goods are not on the premises unless the police have the right to continue the search under different power .
4 Indeed , such communications are not without the deceivers and manipulators , as in all walks of life .
5 They are off into the hills and they will hide there as outlaws till the Act is lifted . ’
6 In the meantime organization changes of a management kind have been put into action at Eastley , so that certain , certain changes very quickly can be made which reflect the spirit of the report for improved management but your officers and Council are still considering the items that they feel n er should be reconsidered refined and developed .
7 ‘ Those who return will go back to an increasingly tolerable life and they will send messages back to those who are still in the camps and that will reinforce the voluntary return . ’
8 But we are still in the semi-finals and that 's all that counts .
9 Ballroom and Latin American Dance classes are now on the Sports & Social Club agenda at Hammersmith .
10 adolescent boys are out on the streets and more likely to join gangs , and this is where they can become involved in minor law-breaking which may lead to more serious criminality .
11 And so we 've got to desire to have our broken relationship with God restored , you see we need to receive what God offers in Christ , the fact that Christ died for our sins does not mean a thing to us until we say yes I accept it for me , I believe you died for me , I receive it , I 'm linked into it , you see your house can be , let me give you a very simple illustration , your house is linked up with er Eastern Electricity and there is so many er I du n no what , what the what it is , but there is the power there , the there are , there are kilo watts of power on tap in your home , but in the winter you 're cold , when it gets dark outside , it 's dark inside the cooker , the electric cooker does n't work , the fridge is not operating the food is going rotten , you ca n't watch a programme on television , why , because you have n't plugged into the source of the power , it 's as simple as that , you ca n't blame the Electricity Board , it 's not Eastern Electricity 's fault it 's your fault because all the plugs are out of the sockets and it does n't matter what the Electricity Board does short of blowing up your house , they can do nothing for you and it does n't matter what God has done in Christ until we as it were to also plug in , it does n't mean a thing to us , but the moment we link in , that 's the change , the lights come on , there 's , there 's heat there , the stove works , the , the radio , the television , the record player , they 're all operating , the freezer 's working , the situation has changed , we needs to receive what God offers us in Christ
12 He 'd never been out on the roads and got killed .
13 Now the banned films are back on the screens and the film-makers are on the streets .
14 You 're almost sure to be right about the spells and enchantments .
15 Glynn 's prints must be all over the premises so there should be no problem . ’
16 I am preparing papers for the relinquishment of the claim , but once she signs them she will be literally on the streets and penniless .
17 But he was very happy to be so near the hills because he loved them .
18 And y am I right , am I right in saying that you 'd say that e even though it may exist in itself , that it may even be , in fact be less in the flats than it is in the , in the wi in that in the wider area ?
19 A little while ago children were expected to be down in the mines and underneath textile machinery , so they were n't actually treated as children , they were erm wager earners at a very low age , as soon as they could be walking they were doing a job , so I feel that we 're all children in fact , there is no great division between being a child and being an adult , and we in fact ca n't always cope with what 's happening and the shocks infect .
20 two than four about their input under the Mediwell and then after that , on the thirtieth Linda 's coming up to school erm and we 're going to actually well , Eleanor 's in English and Paul 's in his room , Cath will be in with the tutors and Paul will come into my classroom that particular time she can go round all the groups and discuss what they 've thought .
21 Erm but this is more or less , indigenous within the engineering industry , there is even inherent within an engineering mind , and I 'm not with the planners or the technical experts , but even in the ordinary lay engineer , he looks to be able to do the job more efficiently , with the materials that he has in hand er and possibly introduce a new type of tool if he can get the proper material , and likewise the employer was doing the same thing .
22 well your mum said to me well I 'll tell you the same as I 've told Con but I said I 'm not against the children or anything the children
23 Here , truly , is a place to sense freedom , to be away from the crowds and the pressures of the world , to wander for miles seeing only a handful of people enjoying the same leisurely activity , or maybe no-one at all .
24 He once shocked Bonar Law , who took a rather more respectful view of money matters , by saying that ‘ a man who made a million quick ought to be not in the Lords but in gaol ’ .
25 And he knew I did n't have to be home for the kids or whatever , he knew my circumstances so well and he knew th exactly how much he could use me you know .
26 Divorce was seen to be harder on the women than the men , who could get out of their family responsibilities so much more easily with divorce than without it .
27 He should be there every time cos she 's gon na be out with the kids and all .
28 A direct rail link between Cleveland and London would be back on the tracks if Liberal Democrat policies were adopted , claims candidate Kay Kirkham .
29 And if her husband comes back , as he is apparently hinting he might , or if she moves , or gets a job , as she is always threatening to do if he does n't , or if my colleagues in the DSS find out that I am paying her , then even this hopeless arrangement will come to an end and I shall be back to the agencies and the advertisements , back to the interviews and the references , back to strangers in the house .
30 Of course tomorrow 's Gold Cup day at Cheltenham and this time tomorrow we 'll be back with the results and of course all the highlights .
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