Example sentences of "be [adv] [adj] that some [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , however , the differences in appearance and behaviour between male and female goats are so subtle that some hunters are incapable of distinguishing between them .
2 However , we are equally conscious that some colleges may find the pace of development too slow for their needs and are concerned to explore ways in which some of the aims of the Programme might be accelerated for those colleges which wish to develop their provision rapidly .
3 Germans are uncomfortably aware that some parts of the Ruhr are just as dirty as anything the Communists left behind in the east .
4 Aristotle and his Athenian contemporaries were well aware that some barbarians were very different in physical appearance from themselves .
5 This years plum harvest is so good that some trees literally ca n't take the strain — snapping under the weight of fat , ripening victorias .
6 This process of coalition building is so well-known that some companies have invented their own language around it .
7 Its bite is rarely lethal , but is so painful that some victims have survived when they ‘ hoped not to ’ .
8 The analysis of the English vowel system presented in Chapters 2 and 3 contains a large number of phonemes , and it is not surprising that some phonologists ( who believed in the importance of keeping the total number of phonemes small ) proposed different analyses which contain less than ten vowel phonemes and treat all long vowels and diphthongs as composed of two phonemes each .
9 It is not surprising that some viruses have taken advantage of the sexual act as a vehicle for their transmission , but , while bacteria such as gonococci , treponemes , and the organisms responsible for the tropical sexually transmitted diseases have become so specialized that non-venereal transmission is extremely rare , the sexually transmitted virus infections , with the exception of genital warts , are frequently transmitted in other ways as well .
10 Whilst one may argue that it would be wrong to attribute ego-functions to animals in which the id/ego differentiation was difficult to justify because their behaviour was largely under instinctual , preprogrammed control , it is nevertheless true that some mammals — and in particular some higher primates — do seem to show a plasticity of behaviour and an elaboration of activity which clearly point to the beginnings , however primitive , of ego-functions proper .
11 You may not think that you have a problem , but in a company of even modest size it is statistically likely that some employees will have a drink problem .
12 Again , this is a complex notion in itself , so it is hardly surprising that some respondents found it difficult to reply to the questions : Has the conceptual map of your subject changed much in the last decade ?
13 It is hardly surprising that some nurses , without wishing to leave the profession to which they are dedicated , should welcome the intellectual challenge of clinical research .
14 This is what the evidence suggests since , while the tempo of mergers and acquisitions ( both domestic and cross-border ) has been rising rapidly , it is also apparent that some industries have been engaged in divesting themselves of activities which are peripheral or difficult to manage in order to concentrate on areas of strength .
15 On the other hand , it is also possible that some abortions that were originally induced by primitive or illegal means will be finally treated by medical personnel and reported as spontaneous abortion .
16 as if to emphasise the relative longevity of this sequence , however , it is also possible that some mosaics might pre-date the sequences of simple geometric and Orphic pavements .
17 It is also conceivable that some constraints might have to be placed upon communications within computer networks .
18 It is also true that some dealers are likely to be far keener to sell diesels than others , perhaps reflecting how much faith they have in their products .
19 Now it is perfectly true that some families remained in the same district for hundreds of years .
20 It is equally clear that some directors have privately expressed fears that , given the crudeness with which the 1993–4 budget trends will have been constructed , severe cash shortages could affect them by September .
21 It is immediately clear that some topics received considerably more , or less , attention than would be suggested by the number of courses allocated to them .
22 It 's quite possible that some MPs will try and talk the bill out .
23 It is readily apparent that some courts , and some judges , have used the very ambiguity inherent in that dichotomy in an instrumental fashion ; the decision whether to label a part of the X factor as jurisdictional or non-jurisdictional is influenced by a judicial desire to intervene or not as the case may be .
24 It 's very reassuring that some companies can be relied upon to give good customer service and satisfaction .
25 Not all of them I accept and they 've been very helpful and when it comes to erm any other issue , I think basically , unfortunately sir , I think that we have strayed from the debate , we 've strayed onto ethnic issues er er and I think it 's a shame Mr , there was no need to introduce that and of course it was bound to bring a backlash , it was bound to introduce it it it it 's coloured it it 's made opaque the issues because you make it complicated , in actual fact er er I think that er being a governor of a school , I think that 's absolutely marvellous that some youngsters the future , I think the future will decide , I think there are kids out there will turn round one day and say how could you have done that ?
26 Given the strict timetable for submission of the SIP and attainment of NAAQSs , it was not surprising that some states would face enormous difficulties , not least the state of California .
27 I was also aware that some girls and even some teachers were involved in lesbian relationships .
28 The policy did represent a major challenge and the RHA was well aware that some authorities would be more able than others to make the change .
29 Loretta 's occasional visits to the Cruise missile base had never involved her in getting arrested , but she was well aware that some police took a dim view of peace protesters .
30 He came home from school some days later and said he had been ‘ thinking very seriously about our situation ’ — he was already beginning to be pompous — and that it was quite obvious that some women were unsuited to a life which held nothing but home and children .
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