Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] by [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 It is clear that this kind of INSET provision could have been much more effective if the membership of each course had been carefully targeted and hence more homogeneous ; many of the teachers who attended would have been better served by a simpler , more sharply focused presentation of recommendations specifically relevant to their own current practice .
2 But this doctrine has been largely supplanted by a later doctrine that such personality is real , and is analogous to the personality of individuals .
3 Jejeunoileostomy has now been largely replaced by a simpler and safer operation in which the capacity of the stomach is considerably reduced by placing a row of surgical staples across it .
4 The first is that reflexes are largely mediated by the lower parts of the brain , and the second is that they are less rigid than one might think .
5 Hercynian influences are largely obscured by the later structural effects , but as a result of the improved quality of seismic data , some important aspects of pre-Permian structure have been defined .
6 Despite their preponderance in the population , they are usually ignored by the wider society and also to some extent by the women 's movement ( Peace , 1986 ) .
7 It is beautiful , but both the light and view are partly obscured by a later altar .
8 Plant cells are also surrounded by a thicker , more rigid structure — a CELL WALL .
9 In some cases , the successes of the older brother are far surpassed by the younger : Maurice Hope 's entry into boxing was preceded by his little-known brother Lex 's involvement .
10 I 'm convinced the public would be better served by a wider cross-section of journalists .
11 On the other hand , to allow county councillors from the larger districts to vote in the county council on matters which were a district responsibility in their own areas would be deeply resented by the smaller districts .
12 His late father Gordon Wood , will be well remembered by an earlier generation .
13 Although the general principles underlying the decision have several times been endorsed by the superior courts , the decision itself has never been the subject of a direct challenge , and its implications have not been fully confronted by the higher courts .
14 The 1953 Act was passed primarily to deal with the problems of preserving houses or buildings which were inhabited or ‘ capable of occupation ’ — these were not covered by the earlier legislation .
15 Primitive drag-lines were soon adopted by the richer drainage boards .
16 And they were also hit by a further £25,000 fine for an ‘ irregular payment ’ to a player .
17 Doubts concerning American policy in any case were often offset by a higher regard for the Americans as a people .
18 However , the State Conservation Office decided that retention of the historic straight alignment was advisable in many of Moabit 's streets , so that the intended chicanes were sometimes replaced by a further speed reduction measure .
19 However , had the existence of such a beast been discussed , it would have been firmly suppressed by the elder girls and not discussed again , but they would all have had their won fears nevertheless , although these would be of a more ‘ normal ’ manner — the fear would be rational — in its causes at least , although perhaps irrational in its proportions .
20 But the drama of this not very pleasant person is wholly overshadowed by the larger drama of an entire nation .
21 In 1924 , as well as a contribution from Lévy-Bruhl on ‘ Primitive Mentality and Gambling ’ , the Criterion carried Lewis 's ‘ Mr. Zagreus and the Split-Man ’ where , as in Tarr , modern civilization is constantly punctured by a deeper , often clearly anthropological element in a strange world of lustrations , masked figures , and phallic hands .
22 The increase in the price of consumer goods is thus accompanied by a faster rate of growth in Dept .
23 Acceptance of a proof of debt for voting purposes at the first meeting is not the same as acceptance by the trustee of a proof for dividend and the trustee is not bound by the earlier decision of the official receiver .
24 The DoE has argued that waste from US bases is not covered by the Transfrontier Regulations which require close scrutiny of imported waste .
25 The dense A-band is further traversed by a lighter H-band .
26 This variation in performance is further reflected by the higher standard deviation of the specific dictionaries .
27 The perspectives of these two books is clearly influenced by the broader tensions in the scientific community over the changing character of science .
28 That a deep-seated and all-embracing blood taboo unquestionably lay at the heart of so much of Jewish belief and ritual practice is clearly evidenced by the later ( Christian ) book of Hebrews which saw fit to characterize Judaism specifically as a covenant of blood , sanctified , purified and redeemed by the blood of cultic sacrifice :
29 We suggest that if there is a rise , which we have not seen , it is far outweighed by the higher consumption of both alcohol and tobacco north of the border .
30 The most common drill — and this is even practised by the better players who may be struggling with their groundstrokes — is to put targets within 60–90cm ( 2–3ft ) of the baseline and inside tramline and think in terms of rallying while aiming at the targeted areas .
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