Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun prp] the " in BNC.

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1 Silvio Bedini has commented that ‘ although the invention of the candle timepiece has been traditionally ascribed to Alfred the Great of England , it obviously had an earlier history in the Orient ’ .
2 Then C-1 is in general fully populated , and so would be C-1B ; the simplicity of the pencil is thus lost in A. The same is true when C , B are sparse .
3 The enquiry itself is now adjourned until Tuesday the twenty seventh of this month , at ten o'clock .
4 This is not to deny that Branagh is at his best as a performer in Henry 's most anguished outpouring , his prayer to the god of battles before Agincourt ; here Branagh the actor is least hampered by Branagh the self-publicist .
5 Mars , compared to the Earth , may be depleted in H , C and N , and it seems fairly certain that Venus is heavily depleted in H. The surfaces of Mercury and the Moon are very heavily depleted in all volatiles , and in the main this is probably because of a smaller initial endowment .
6 The Court of Appeal held that the jurisdiction clause was not binding on B. The way the documents were presented to him for signature was misleading : B was entitled to assume that the two copies of the terms were identical .
7 English keyboard music had a tradition at least as old , was produced at least as copiously , and was later to influence through Sweelinck the German organ school from Samuel Scheidt onward .
8 The executive responsible for it was reportedly banished to Siberia the next day , explaining why John O'Keefe is now in charge of Unix marketing .
9 This dog was then mated to Rintelna the Fatale , who had been a puppy purchased from Capt. Roy-Smith .
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