Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some redistribution had occurred between 1938 and 1949 , but if one ignores the top 1 per cent of income earners , there had been little change up to 1979 .
2 I am speaking now of its Belgrade side , of the old men in the Academy who wished to complete Serb history because it seemed to them that it had not been properly completed back in 1918 .
3 It is because they have already been widely written about in feminist art history ?
4 By mid-August boats carrying more than 1,200 Vietnamese were reported to have been forcibly towed out to international waters in the direction of Indonesia by the Malaysian Navy .
5 The stone slabs are known as Nagacoils and are mostly placed there by childless wives who vow to install a ‘ snake-stone ’ if they are blessed with offspring ; probably the greatest desire of the average female Indian mentality .
6 As in other remnants of the Great Wood of Caledon , pine seedlings ( abundant enough to begin with ) are mostly browsed away by red deer .
7 The royal couple are rarely seen together outside official engagements .
8 This has been overwhelmingly borne out by clinical psychoanalytic investigations of the id .
9 Now people are slowly moving away from these towns .
10 The sad part about the whole sorry affair is that you appear to have been badly let down by those who by rights ought to feel indebted to you , but with the Sun in Aries and that part of your solar chart related to affairs of the heart you are bound to win some kind of moral victory , and even if you do decide to make a settlement this month you should still feel you really have much to celebrate .
11 One area of child development that the child psychiatrists appeared to have made passably tidy , has been somewhat roughed up by ethological methods over recent years .
12 The three of them seemed to have been inexorably drawn together with each step they had taken .
13 The police are obviously involved also in other activities which bring them into contact with employees and a good relationship with them in these other areas will often be beneficial to reaching a quick and satisfactory solution to all sides when violence does occur ’ .
14 These differences are better explained not by that kind of analogy , but by a recognition of the complex history of the text within the history of an ancient tribe — a history that is sometimes romanticized , sometimes idealized , and in which past and present are sometimes confusingly mixed .
15 It presupposes that that is right that those boundaries have been rightly drawn essentially for all time .
16 Anil Kumble took four of the seven wickets to fall today and England could only quibble with one of them — when Graeme Hick looked to have been wrongly given out for 47 , caught off bat-and-pad at short leg .
17 Keith Richards tells with a mixture of jealousy and amazement the story that the guitar classes John Lee conducts at home are entirely made up of young girls .
18 Too many studios had been built in Britain during the production boom and , at a time when filmmakers were anyway keener than they had been hitherto to get out among ordinary people , they found they were no longer constrained by anxious accountants determined to maximize the use of studio space .
19 ‘ But transfer fees are so blown up for British players that managers are now forced to look abroad .
20 You can use the statement LOCAL to define variables which are only known locally to individual procedures and functions .
21 Jack 's been so cut up about poor Charlie .
22 There 's a great deal of double counting that takes place , it might be that some honourable members in this house actually appear upon two registers , one in London and one within the area in which they reside , normally within their constituency and many people are merely carried over from past registers , without any serious canvassing taking place to find out whether they are the people to be on the registers or whether someone else should be put in their place .
23 Proud of the rapid development time for the 601 , the two companies are nevertheless rushing on to complete work on three other promised iterations of the part , now under development at IBM 's Somerset plant in Austin , Texas .
24 These potentialities are successively narrowed down in subsequent stages of development .
25 Parochial clergy are normally covered comprehensively against personal accidents , but other church employees are usually covered only whilst actually working for the Church .
26 Even his or her literary appreciation and sensitivity are normally based more on acquired interest than on academic training , although such is literary fashion and taste the latter may be no firm base for judgment either .
27 Tutors are normally put forward by each department or school contributing to the Course and serve for two years .
28 According to Stephen Auditaire of the Fremont , California-based X Business Group , corporations are adopting X as a component of their PC integration strategy — and that wo n't necessarily affect X-terminal business , as PCs are normally used only for occasional access to corporate databases , not the constant heavy graphical use more suited to X-terminals .
29 Uncontrollable items , such as inflation , are best treated separately from controllable costs so that cause and effect can be related more readily and to avoid unnecessary worrying about items over which the budget-holder has no influence .
30 However , high shutter speeds reduce the exposure time and so are best used only in good light .
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