Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 One problem that is more commonly encountered in the Z3 than in the Z1 or Z2 Carbonates , is that the sediments are widely affected by cementation and replacement by halite .
2 The important work of the Transport Policy Committee , and of the Faculty of Freight , has been widely covered in Transport and at local and national CIT meetings , so needs no detailed report here .
3 The SDI Organization had been widely accused of incompetence and waste in its use of the $20,900 million spent on SDI since 1984 .
4 The concept of need has been widely used in practice and in social policy , and is a complex and confusing one ( Bradshaw , 1972 ) .
5 Hair has been elegantly styled with height and volume .
6 Then there are those , predominantly male workers , who are effectively coerced into retirement and sometimes early retirement by poor working conditions , ill-health , redundancy and unemployment ( Walker , 1985b ; Walker and Taylor , 1991 ) .
7 This is conceptually similar but not identical to the phenomena described by Matza ( 1964 : 33–68 ) as the subculture of delinquency : both consist of ‘ precepts and customs that are delicately balanced between convention and crime ’ ; both ‘ posit objectives that may be attained through ( crime ) but also other means ’ ; both ‘ allow ( crime ) but it is not demanded or necessarily considered the preferred path ’ ; and both consist of ‘ norms and sentiments ’ which are ‘ beliefs that function as the extenuating conditions under which ( crime ) is permissible ’ .
8 The protection of customers has been successfully achieved since privatisation and my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State produced several examples .
9 While course outlines , statements of course objectives etc are commonly prepared by college libraries , they are rarely documented in university and polytechnic libraries .
10 Although Ian Clough and Hamish MacInnes had climbed Titan 's Wall in 1959 , it had been predominantly climbed with aid and was never really recognised as a free rock climb .
11 Although there are procedures for putting ‘ interrogatories ’ to another party at the pre-trial stage , they are little used in practice and bear little or no resemblance to the United States practice of ‘ oral depositions ’ before trial .
12 It was his eighth goal in 10 games of a season in which he has been badly affected by injury and left out of Taylor 's plans because of a question mark over his match-fitness .
13 Even if the rise of new politicians in the Conservative Party has displaced some elite ‘ grandees ’ , they are overwhelmingly recruited from business and the professions , and still mostly have privileged origins .
14 The methods available are constantly increasing in number and their utility is greater as the complexity of contemporary processes is revealed .
15 Working at The Women Artists Slide Library means that you are constantly bombarded with information and images produced by women artists today .
16 The health authority says that with more drugs misuse in society it is vital that drugs-related services and professionals are constantly updated on development and trends so that they could best help those in need .
17 However due to ‘ outside influences ’ the opposite has occurred — practical classes have been greatly reduced in number and academic merit .
18 Dunes are much disturbed in summer and of comparatively little ornithological value , much of the large dune system at Camber being occupied by a golf course .
19 Because of the shorter tapes , the cassettes are much reduced in size and therefore VHS-C camcorders are smaller and lighter to handle than full VHS machines .
20 In general , pupils ' interpretation of spatial concepts such as area , angle and shape are highly influenced by context and presentation ; they often provide cues to pupils about the way to interpret a task , and can be misleading .
21 There are some vivid passages reflecting Bunyan 's memories of the organisation and conduct of Cromwell 's Ironsides , but the complicated plot is hard to follow and the characters are starkly drawn in black and white , as in Mr Badman .
22 This appealed to them as their grocery listing had been long ticked to exhaustion and their husbands were all unsympathetic pathetics .
23 Further south , where the vineyards of Monthelon and Morangis face Mancy across a small valley , the vines are nicely trapped in east and west-facing aspects .
24 Francis Place described the same process among London 's leather-breeches makers in 1793 , the book binders built up theirs over four years before striking for a reduction in hours , and the calico printers seem to have been constantly engaged in building and rebuilding strike funds .
25 Where the summons has been so sent by post and returned to the court office undelivered , notice of non-service ( N 216 ) is sent to the plaintiff saying that he may request bailiff service .
26 Already their numbers had been so diminished by persecution and by unfavourable trading terms in Henry III 's reign that the tallage which they paid annually to the king was less under Edward I than he might gain by seizing their estates and inducing a clerical subsidy by their expulsion .
27 Where the summons has been so served by post and returned to the court office undelivered , notice of non-service is sent to the plaintiff ( N 216 ) .
28 The various chapters are authoritatively written with clarity and directness by the leaders in the field .
29 It has been particularly effective in providing a secure home base for families that have been physically scattered by emigration and it seems quite possible that small-scale farming of this kind may enjoy a new vogue , with the greater appreciation of self-provisioning , especially for fuel , to say nothing of the scenic beauty of the places where it is carried on .
30 Bode et al describe three different types of polyphosphate granules , but the large vacuole like granules seen by us and closely associated with specific epithelial conditions are functionally related with energy and phosphorus supply .
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