Example sentences of "be [verb] [that] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has been reported that pancreatic acinar cells , stimulated by caerulein or cholecystokinin , release substantial amounts of platelet activating factor .
2 It should be obvious from all that has been said that most small towns played a significant role in the economic life of the province , alongside the cities and major towns .
3 Police are warning that two armed robbers who hit a man over the head with a sawn off shotgun , could kill if they 're not caught soon .
4 Almost a quarter of road accidents happen in the middle of the afternoon and experts are warning that just one drink at lunchtime can make you fall asleep at the wheel .
5 To the extent that a scientific speciality or discipline is bound together by the rules of an existing ‘ paradigm ’ defining the rules for ‘ puzzle-solving ’ with an existing ‘ normal science ’ , it has been argued that major scientific change often comes from outside the existing specialist group — not untypically through the ‘ migration ’ into the group of innovative outsiders .
6 Within the State Department it has been argued that two competing strategies — one ‘ Asian-oriented ’ and the other ‘ Europe-oriented ’ — had emerged and that the critical question was whether the US should have insisted on French concessions to Vietnamese nationalism as a condition of US support .
7 It has been argued that all public employment cases should be dealt with by the same forum which could resolve all the issues raised .
8 It has , however , been argued that certain fundamental Acts of Parliament such as the Act of Union with Scotland 1707 and the European Communities Act 1972 could not be repealed as , in each case , Parliament which enacted the provision is no longer in existence in the same form but has reconstituted itself as a less powerful body .
9 It has been argued that this visual route to word recognition is an attribute of the right hemisphere ( Saffran , Bogyo , Schwartz and Marin , 1980 ) .
10 Throughout this paper it has been argued that separating special education policy from mainstream education policy creates an artificial division between special and mainstream education .
11 It has long been accepted that this exclusive jurisdiction prevents the courts of the land from dealing initially with issues falling to be decided by the visitor , and prevent an appeal from the visitor to those courts .
12 You 're suggesting that these simple tasks are beyond my capabilities ? ’
13 You 're told that that particular function is equal to that .
14 ‘ You 're saying that this crazed man fitted the picture ? ’
15 He looked like an airline passenger who has just been told that all four engines on his 747 have just failed .
16 WE are told that 13 million people plan to escape from polluted cities to the clean country — but who polluted the cities in the first place ?
17 Then , we are told that this constant presence of God guiding and helping his people has been completed .
18 It has also been shown that more sensitive judgements can be obtained from children when the power figure — so often represented by the adult — is removed ( Lloyd and Donaldson , 1976 ) .
19 Even with an all-night sitting , the Government and the Lib Dems are agreed that another full day on the bill today should not be wiped out .
20 However , while there is extensive evidence of assortative mating ( O'Donald , 1980 ) , of the importance of plumage characteristics in courtship ( Williams , 1982 ) and of female preference for males who can defend superior breeding territories ( Pleszczynska , 1978 ) only very recently has it been demonstrated that consistent female choice for any continuous morphological character in males is an important source of variation in male reproductive success .
21 Fortunately , it has been demonstrated that most non-polar polymers can be treated in this way and results agree well with direct measurements of .
22 It is only after the very last entity has been displayed that any quantitative evaluation can be performed .
23 It has also been noted that influential local people use the provision of school facilities , extra classrooms , libraries , more teachers and lower teacher/pupil ratios as a way of enhancing their own status and prestige .
24 ‘ The one and only thing you share ultimately together is sex and if you step outside your marriage you are sharing that one ultimate thing with another body another person , ’ Claudette tells him .
25 Since the original description of a columnarised lower esophagus by Barrett in 1950 and Allison and Johnson in 1953 it has been recognised that this abnormal lining has a marked propensity to develop serious complications .
26 In reviewing some of them in this book , it has been found that several complicating features arise , beside the straightforward failings of human beings wishing to pigeon-hole phenomena or experiences into neat categories : ‘ strategies ’ or ‘ syndromes ’ with classical-sounding names .
27 Recently it has been found that those old people who either have pets of their own or who have access to animals are often actually healthier — and are certainly happier — than those who have no such contact .
28 On theoretical grounds , it has been proposed that hot coronal loops become unstable in evolved stars because of the combined effects of large size ( presumed to scale as the stellar radius ) and low surface gravity , leaving only low-lying cool loops which do not emit X-rays .
29 He said : ‘ You are saying that all those people in my constituency ‘ We do n't want you .
30 It should be emphasized that all these complications are exceedingly rare in the Western world today .
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