Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv prt] in [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Larger units of measurements in the metric system , are built up in the same way as the number system , based again on tens and tenths .
2 All that memory can provide contributes already to our feeling that in calling this sensation ‘ pain ’ we are going on in the same way , following the rule .
3 ( Freud is writing in the first decade of the twentieth century , about men and women in the middle- and upper-middle-class Austria who would have been brought up in the latter part of the nineteenth century . )
4 The problem is that although the typeface may have the same name — indeed it may even come from the same original — it may not have been coded up in the same way .
5 New tasks for perception can only be carried out in the same way ‘ under the guidance of tactile appropriation ’ ( ibid : 242 ) .
6 Some business decisions can be carried out in the same way .
7 Perhaps random spot checks could be carried out in the same way as breathalyser tests .
8 A ruling yesterday by the Accounting Standards Board means any premium or discount when a company repurchases its own debt must be be written off in the same year it is incurred .
9 We will be reporting back in a few weeks ' time about this case and whether we have achieved a lasting and muzzle-free peace treaty between the battling Yorkies !
10 From a conservationist viewpoint , Hong Kong 's problem can be summed up in a few words : too many people .
11 The barges , designed to be sailed by one man and a boy , could be laid up in a few days .
12 Different types of shops are laid out in different ways — you would n't expect an expensive dress shop to be laid out in the same way as a supermarket , for example .
13 Norman Cook will never be spoken about in the same breath as Jazzie B , yet ‘ Dub Be Good To Me ’ is one of the hardest records you will ever hear seeping out of a Ford Escort at the traffic lights .
14 And this information will be linguistically analyzed , and then used to help compile the new dictionary which will be coming out in a few years .
15 The majority , the huge majority , were to be shipped back in the same closed trains to the Motherland of Russia .
16 erm So now we started up the long term survey , and we 've now got 10 schools taking part , and they 're starting next week , and they 'll be carrying on in the same way as they were the pilot survey , taking the same measurements .
17 Either way , a whole house-shell could be put up in a few hours by a few successive foam-formings of the main walls and pillars .
18 Lothar replied that he simply had a skin complaint that could be cleared up in a few days .
19 The first is in relation to debtor-creditor-supplier agreements where the amount owed is to be paid off in a few instalments .
20 it is really very difficult to stick to a principle when the form of capital can be changed about in the many forms that modern complex conditions will allow … the thing is to look at the spirit which initiates these particular forms of thrift on the part of people .
21 Mortar shots are worked out in the same way as shots from stone throwers .
22 It is clear that , in the past , artists who work independently of the West End galleries have not been taken up in the same way as those under the big dealers .
23 So , we can think of different modules from Dennett 's flow-chart as being stored and functioning in the same place in the machine , just as we can think of different levels of translation of programming language as being carried out in the same place in the machine .
24 Simple word-processing programs often used in conjunction with microwriters are already being experimented on in a few schools .
25 Seventy per cent of those continuing their studies were staying on In the same institution where they had taken the Advanced Course : the rest were changing institutions .
26 ‘ You see , Brownies , this hall is being pulled down in a few weeks ' time and new houses put up in its place , and there just does n't seem to be anywhere else for us to meet .
27 However , the effect of experience on temperament is still limited by the horse 's genetic traits — for example , if both the naturally placid horse and the naturally nervous horse were brought up in the same rough environment , then the placid horse would still be less timid than the nervous one .
28 Its weakness was its technical conservatism ; although in 1880 the Admiralty agreed to reintroduce breechloading guns on heavy ships , the armoured cruisers Impérieuse and Warspite , which were laid down in the same year , were still designed to carry a full spread of sail .
29 to consult the landed and trading interest of the nation , by lessening its incumbrances and public debts , and putting them in a method of being paid off in a few years ; which could not have been done , unless a way had been found to make the Annuities for long terms redeemable ; which had been happily effected by the South-Sea Scheme , without a breach of parliamentary faith .
30 The chances of the Government being defeated when amendment 27 is voted on in a few weeks are now difficult to judge .
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