Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [noun sg] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The items between the top of the partition and the gap formed by the moving of the instance are shuffled down in order to remove the gap .
2 Observations and experiments are carried out in order to test or shed light on some theory , and only those observations considered relevant to that task should be recorded .
3 Thus you discover what tasks are to be performed and how they are carried out in order to create a picture of what the person will actually do in the job .
4 Moreover , readers by now will not be surprised to learn that political considerations ( rather than goods-specific externalities ) have been picked out in order to explain the selection of other forms of subsidies than cash transfers ( Browning 1975 ) .
5 Roadside checks have been carried out to try to discover the identity of a baby found dead in a ditch .
6 So far only a preliminary amount of work has been carried out in order to assess the restoration work required .
7 Since 1980 , computer tomography of the thorax and upper abdomen and ultrasouns examination of the neck have been carried out in order to identify abnormal lymph nodes , which are then subjected to cytological examination .
8 And if you 're running out of time to make a stuffing for the turkey or goose , try one of Epicure 's stuffing mixes — Sage & Onion , Sage & Chestnut , Herb & Garlic or Apricot & Almond .
9 Remarkable results have been achieved with children from mainstream and special schools when the teaching of mathematics has been opened up in order to allow pupils to find their own strategies and solutions to problems .
10 It tells us that the soldiers are thinking back to before the war , to the sun as if it were something in the distant past which they took for granted but has now become their last hope and so they are turning back to nature to put right a problem they caused .
11 Teachers are going back to university to learn how to teach the National Curriculum .
12 The Loan Guarantee Scheme ( LGS ) and the Business Expansion Scheme ( BES ) are government initiatives that have been set up in order to facilitate the channelling of funds from financial institutions to small businesses ( thus these schemes are ‘ enabling mechanisms ’ rather than forms of financial intermediation ) .
13 However , relational DBMS require the user to be aware of the relations that have been set up in order to obtain information from the database , including keys and foreign keys used to join relations .
14 By 1640 all the British colonies in the New World had assemblies of elected representatives to look after local problems of legislation and taxation and , while some of them had been created with royal authorization , some had plainly been set up in order to make independence possible .
15 The selection procedure has been set up in order to discover the most suitable supplier and method .
16 According to a TEC person , with his tongue only slightly in his cheek , the razzamatazz had been laid on in attempt to put Andrew Neil at his ease , given his recorded fondness for visiting Tramp , the beautiful person 's London nightclub .
17 If you 're a club secretary and if you have n't received your invitation you are running out of time to write to Aquachamp Contest , note address omitted
18 If you 're a club secretary and if you have n't received your invitation you are running out of time to write
19 Sparc laptop house RDI Computer Corp , San Diego , California has had a change of guard : start-up specialist , Roy Wright , has been brought in as president to run day-to-day operations , while co-founder , Rick Schrameck , remains chairman and CEO responsible for the company 's direction , strategic alliances and new product development .
20 The train steamed at speed through the night and at 04.00 halted briefly at Hanover where , on the platform , waited the portly figure of General von Hindenburg , who had been brought out of retirement to become Commander-in-Chief .
21 This process is called a Proving of the remedy and strict criteria are laid down in order to ensure that the true action of the remedy is brought out and not any interferences from other sources .
22 This is especially true of black women writers , who tend to be plucked out of context to lend a splash of colour to a pallid white landscape — like a single exotic flower among drab , overwatered shrubs .
23 Leaving home , getting married , going on holiday , promotion at work , starting a family , all require certain familiar routines and rhythms to be given up in order to make the most of a new situation .
24 The bones of the policy-makers and their agents must be fleshed out in order to refine the theory .
25 Further work needs to be carried out in order to improve the present level of constitutional , decentralized and resource concepts of accountability .
26 These interventions should be written on the nursing plan along with the date on which evaluation will be carried out in order to decide whether or not the stated goals have been , or are being , achieved .
27 In our case this iteration has gone on at great lengths and I and my colleagues have had to struggle to ensure that we have allocated enough time to deciding the direction in which the company should be going , and the changes that have to be carried out in order to get it there .
28 The general budget comprised the government budget ( some 40 per cent of the total ) and the budget for state-owned companies , due to be sold off in order to reduce the state 's role in the economy ( US$1.00=IR71.1848 as at March 19 , 1990 ) .
29 Oh well I 'm going back in time to catch up with your side .
30 He wo n't keep have to be going off to court to find out what is the law at that moment of time .
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