Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] them [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Gas and electricity accounts departments will know those customers whose financial difficulties are going to lead them to a cessation of supply .
2 ‘ If you were brought up in Brixton or Hackney , and have been stopped regularly for no reason by the police , you are bound to view them with a bit of hatred ’ … .
3 The facts are the facts , and I am compelled to record them with a plainness of detail which in the end offers the only means of extending that small degree of compassion , or perhaps even understanding , which all men in whatever circumstance or however degraded should not be denied .
4 He used a setup rather like a modern TV picture tube : a red-hot metal filament gave off the electrons , and because these have a negative electric charge , an electric field could be used to accelerate them toward a phosphor-coated screen .
5 and I 've mounted them on green germ , but I 'm going to put them on a table , and then hang the germs from the ceiling or something , round , cos I have n't got a board for that .
6 He has already been asked to join them for a 60-date tour next year .
7 Hardest hit are those on lowest incomes , as employers are allowed to pay them at a specially designed low rate .
8 If you try saying ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ with a level tone ( rather as though you were trying to sing them on a steady note ) you may find the result does not sound natural , and indeed English speakers do not use level tones on one-syllable utterances very frequently .
9 Ice-climbers have often wondered when someone is going to provide them with a decent training facility .
10 In the 1890s a serious effort was made to transform them into a rural police force .
11 The pilot was hired to fly them in a chartered plane . ’
12 Obviously , no stranger was allowed to approach them after a performance , and certainly no gifts were to be accepted .
13 In an ensuing fight around Christmas time 1896 the police had swooped and arrested twenty-eight youths some of whom were found to be in possession of pistols , which was taken to link them to a young girl 's death — although this was some months later .
14 The pace certainly quickened — too much so for some fathers who believed the conservative minority was trying to hurry them towards a close , leaving some business unfinished .
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