Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] her [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The head of the Bureau said the pressure had become so intense by the end of the afternoon , and Blanche had proved so elusive , he had been forced to phone her boss for advice .
2 Therefore , as soon as Isabelle was old enough , it was decided to exploit her aptitude for art by sending her to Paris — out of harm 's way . ’
3 After quenching her desire to see and experience new things , she was going to ask her boss for a transfer and move to the nearest city , where the office had its headquarters .
4 Nothing and nobody was going to make her slave for Carty Jenks , not even Samson .
5 Her new secretary was arriving and was going to share her flat for a while .
6 She knew it with the first note she sang , she knew it as she walked jerkily across the stage in a parody of her usual smooth-flowing stride , she knew it as she was forced to search her mind for the next line of a song she knew by heart .
7 It seemed to Kelly that she was trying to catch her eye for some reason .
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