Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] the [noun] or " in BNC.

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1 • With all treatments that are designed to improve the mood or feelings of a patient , the placebo effect must also be considered .
2 A number of laws , many of them based on principles of ‘ obscenity ’ , ‘ indecency ’ and ‘ offence ’ are designed to prevent the distribution or display of homosexuality in the same way as porn is constrained .
3 Be seen to is found quite often for instance in the sort of context alluded to by Bolinger in which one gets the impression that someone is establishing the facts : ( 67 ) Nobody had been seen to enter the house or leave it .
4 Just as in-service education does not work if it has not been tailored to match the stage or condition of the teacher who is to benefit from it , so the manager can not manage unless the method and style of management are acceptable and unless its purposes have been first unravelled and then knitted together after consultation between the manager and the manager 's colleagues .
5 These differences are used to characterize the asymmetry or skewness of the curve .
6 Visual inspection of sieve residues should be undertaken to confirm the presence or absence of substantial proportions of strongly non-spherical particles in the sediment .
7 But once the principle is established that clubs , however innocent , can be punished to protect the public or players , it is no longer a matter of pure justice .
8 B. Choice reaction time A modification of A is for a choice of buttons to exist ; the correct button must be pressed to extinguish the light or stop the sound .
9 In the leading case of Lawrence ( 1981 ) it was held that reckless driving consists of driving which creates an obvious and serious risk of causing physical injury to some other person who might be happening to use the road or of doing substantial damage to property , and that the fault element is that the driver either failed to give any thought to the possibility of such a risk or , having recognized the existence of a risk , went on to take it .
10 ( b ) Registered land You will be expected to collect the land or charge certificate together with the duly signed transfer .
11 The law therefore sets a point ( although an extremely unclear one ) at which the citizen is not entitled to resist further , and must be expected to endure the indignity or invasion , seeking relief subsequently when he can substantiate that he has been the victim of a police mistake .
12 In terms of access to modules , the user hierarchy should be made to reflect the project or organisational structure in operation , since only members of the same branch of a family automatically have access to each other 's software .
13 But this only confirmed the importance of AFHQ 's view , reflecting that of Churchill , that nothing should be done to provoke the Yugoslavs or exacerbate the tense situation until all military preparations had been made for full-scale action if necessary .
14 Significantly ( in view of the stronger actions of the subsequent Conservative government ) public authorities were asked ‘ to furnish schedules of void sites within the partnership authorities with a view to establishing what could be done to accelerate the development or redevelopment of non-operational sites ’ .
15 The difference is that each line has to be searched to establish the presence or absence of a target set of letters ( the order of the target set is not important — only whether or not the whole set is present ) .
16 Before long they 'll be wanting to tarmac the path or build a chairlift to the top .
17 In addition , further pulses of volts can be used to dissect the molecule or to remove it altogether .
18 The results would be used to decorate the house or hall where her artistic flair again showed in the colour and composition of her arrangements .
19 One is that relatively lengthy questionnaires can be used to increase the quantity or detail of information obtained .
20 This evidence can then be used to modify the contract or allow it to terminate and not to offer renewal .
21 Money would have to be found to civilize the car or its use would have to be restrained .
22 Other management functions would be authorised to cover the deletion or amendment of certain fields .
23 There had been a little unrest among the servants , particularly in the kitchen and pantries where Dora was resentful of finding Alexandra counting bottles of damsons and crocks of lard , and thrown totally into disarray by Alexandra 's demanding to be allowed to stir the jam or weigh out ingredients for chutney made from the vast harvest of plums .
24 But I would urge that in this case , as in all others , the attractiveness ( or otherwise ) of the remedy should not be allowed to influence the validity or accuracy of the diagnosis .
25 True , the occurrence of the phrase about ‘ harbours and agora ’ is striking , but what Plato says is that the murderers should not be allowed to pollute the temples or the agora or harbours , etc .
26 In other cases , techniques will be refined to reduce the suffering or stress of the animals as in the use of improved anaesthetics or postoperative drugs .
27 Every registered student shall have an adviser of studies or research supervisor and shall be required to see the adviser or supervisor at the beginning of the academic year , at the end of each term , and at such other times as may be required .
28 Whether you 've been asked to open the discussion or not , you should prepare yourself for the tutorial as follows :
29 But at least everyone will be able to see just how much water they are using , even to the extent of checking the meter just before turning on the sprinkler , and then switching off when the dial shows enough water has been sprayed to cover the lawn or vegetable patch .
30 But nor had she been allowed to use the telephone or leave the office , except for one visit to the toilet down the corridor accompanied by a sour-faced secretary who weighed at least twelve stone and insisted she leave the door ajar .
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