Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] at [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The divine Miss Grimsilk has already arrived in Hochhauser — at her own request , unmet and unheralded — and will be coming to see me at one .
2 an electro cardiograph , it 's a tracing of the electrical il impulses from the heart given off by the heart and this chap came in he 'd never had one before and he was nervous anyway , so I 'm trying to put him at his ease and I , I put , you have to put like a rubber band round their arms and legs and attach erm electrodes to them , you do n't feel anything , you 're only measuring the electrical impulses given off by the heart
3 The difficulty over these cars had arisen because the Brush Co. had demanded an appropriate charge if they were expected to store them at their works in Loughborough .
4 But he 's going to watch it at his mothers
5 Anyway this particular Monday morning I did n't feel like getting up although my Mam had already shouted : ‘ If he thinks he 's going to have me at his beck and call just to get him his breakfast when he wants , he 's got another think coming . ’
6 He was going to kiss me at his sister 's , Meredith thought .
7 She saw his hands curl into white-knuckled fists and knew he was fighting to keep them at his sides .
8 Merrill sensed that he was trying to put her at her ease , building a bridge over the rift that divided them , to get the evening off to a good start .
9 Back with his own cast , he was determined to keep them at it as long as possible , fulfilling his own need for manic activity .
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