Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was because you 're refusing to take me with you tomorrow .
2 erm does n't given any more details than that , but it 's red brick to local authority approval , so they 're going to submit it to them for them to agree that it fits in .
3 All they want is this bloody letter and we 're going to give it to them .
4 ‘ they 're going to give it to me for being such a nice chap and because I want this guitar so badly . ’
5 ‘ You 're going to give it to me .
6 Er no they 're going to send it to me
7 You 're meant to test it on us .
8 does n't quite understand it as well as you do and you 're trying to explain it to him .
9 ‘ For all I know you 're planning to pin it on me .
10 The airport police are going to tell you about it .
11 Well there 's no point in me watching it if I 'm going to record it for you .
12 I 'm going to test you on it Hello ? "
13 Now then I 'm going to leave you to it .
14 Steve , I 'm going to give it to you first this time That 's right , yes , that 's good , So you can actually throw away the cover sheet , you , you really do n't need that .
15 Now I 'm going to help you with it and what I suggest we do this morning when I give you these sheets will you please write your name and today 's date at the top of the sheet and I put the date on the board , and then can you please resist the temptation to start , start writing over the rest of the sheet until I 've gone through it with you .
16 She must be trying to lure him to it , the naughty girl .
17 That they are allowed to sell it to shops to shops cheaper than they are allowed to sell it to you .
18 So we made them a cup of tea and hopefully they were going to talk her into it .
19 To Ariel , Roukoubé was the creamy colour of a peanut kernel , as if she , in her cinnamon tawniness , had been shucked to reveal him inside her ; and inside him , the pulse of his life , beating in the soft place of his head where the plates of his skull had not yet met .
20 ‘ Your father 's been trying to keep it from you .
21 All the women we spoke to agreed that it 's up to the families themselves to fight for their rights and recognition — sadly no one else is going to do it for them .
22 And if you do n't , not prepared to promote yourself , then nobody else is going to do it for you , and this is an ideal way of doing it , at , at fairly minimal cost .
23 He 's going to take them without you 're knowing .
24 Well , as is with everything when you 're talking about changing things , women really have to get themselves organized , nobody 's going to give it to them .
25 ‘ He 's going to leave me for you ?
26 Who 's going to tell us about it ?
27 Okay , let's swap over , what I want you to remember is it 's not a conversation it 's not the try not to get into a conversation what we 're trying to do is we 're trying to stick to one person 's trying to stick to their point the other person 's trying to take them off it , okay ?
28 I want you to try and do that for as long as you can , the person 's who 's trying to take them off it you try and take them off that point as long as you can , the other person stick to your guns , okay ?
29 Mr you see various people are giving evidence , and Mr wants to ask the right person , certain questions , namely the person who er devised those words and er you are er somebody in a very important position er and er he 's trying to get it from you , and as he 's pointed out to you a company ca n't sit down and produce in some corporate way a phrase someone or two human beings or more have got to do it and he wants to know if you can help us er who , who that was , that 's , that 's all you see , he does n't want to ask you about it , no doubt er , er in the same way as he 'd want to ask a person that actually devised a word , d' ya see ?
30 Been meaning to give them to me .
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