Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] [pn reflx] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In this sense , social work has been struggling to free itself from the same trap as much of British industry .
2 Titles stocked are selected to develop themselves on the morning and evening sermons .
3 We 're going to lock ourselves inside the fragile skin of a small floating home , and all of us , three of us anyway , at odds and full of motives I did n't understand .
4 Heads of department from the Soviet trade union centre , the AUCCTU , are expected to visit Congress House in the New Year on a fact-finding mission , and there have been requests for training links to be built between the TUC and the Hungarian trade union body , SZOT , which has been attempting to restructure itself over the last two years .
5 You are going to need to buy some bathroom scales if you have n't got any , or if the ones you have got are n't accurate , because each day you are going to weight yourself to the nearest pound ( 0.5kg ) .
6 I hope now that the privileged few are having to lower themselves to the level of State schools , there will be more pressure on the Government to put some cash into education .
7 In a properly organized political community the state exists for society and not society for the state ; yet , however socially advanced a people may be , the society which it constitutes made up of families , clubs , churches , trade unions , etc. — is not to be trusted to maintain itself without the ultimate arbitrament of force .
8 That regional neglect has fuelled a feeling in many regions that perhaps they should be empowered to assist themselves in the face of an unsympathetic central Government .
9 The collaborators can be used to play themselves in the drama .
10 ‘ Yeah ; soon as it 's finished , I 'm going to throw myself off the Channel Tunnel . ’
11 But I do n't see why they should be asked to shoot themselves in the foot by paying to train a competitor 's workforce , and neither do they ! ’
12 Germany 's captain Nikki Pilic , who had barely put the debacle surrounding Germany 's Olympic nominations behind him , came in for criticism for not resting Becker from the second day 's doubles , especially after he had been forced to play himself into the ground to beat Luis Mattar over five sets in exhausting heat on the first day .
13 The institutional , legal and procedural definition of convocation had not been clear in 1307 nor was it finally resolved by 1327 : the clergy were struggling to free themselves from the enveloping quicksand of parliament , the king 's high court , and to reach the firm ground of an autonomous clerical assembly , no part of the king 's court ( with all that that implied ) and free from the intimidating presence , or intrusion , of those royal councillors who were laymen .
14 It was , understandably , the peace which was essential information for the descendants , for it influenced their present actions to some extent ; and the solemnities were intended to impose themselves on the memory of the participants and witnesses and their children .
15 As individual developments , both directions were destined to run themselves into the ground .
16 Outdoor enthusiasts of all abilities are being challenged to test themselves to the full in an exciting sponsored event in the Peak District taking place this autumn .
17 In 1850 she was noticed by the artist Walter Deverell , who asked her to sit for him and a group of young friends who were beginning to distinguish themselves as the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood .
18 A variety of other industries were also ruined by British policy : silk goods manufacturers , for example , were compelled to restrict themselves to the production of raw silk , while gun making was seriously affected by a restrictive licensing policy and other means ( Bagchi , 1982 , p. 82 ) .
19 Locals were forced to spreadeagle themselves on the ground at gunpoint .
20 Muslim nationalists were encouraged to see themselves as the spearhead of the anti-colonial movement , and Lenin himself addressed their congress ( in November 1919 ) .
21 When taking a train journey women were advised to equip themselves with the largest hat-pin they could find and if travelling by night , or through a tunnel , they were to sit bolt upright , hat-pin clenched between the teeth in case of attack .
22 Increasingly man is being urged to launch himself into the barely-explored regions of his innermost self in ‘ crafts ’ which are often unstable .
23 On Aug. 9 Iraq closed its borders to foreigners trying to leave Iraq or Kuwait ; on Aug. 12 Donald Croskery , a British businessman , was shot dead by Iraqi forces on the Kuwait-Saudi border ; and on Aug. 16 all US and British citizens in Kuwait were ordered to surrender themselves to the Iraqi authorities or face unspecified " difficulties " .
24 Since the beginnings of the Glasgow Fair 1,000 years ago , the good people of Glasgow have been determined to enjoy themselves during the annual beanfeast .
25 The government-backed unions are trying to portray themselves as the true and uncompromising voice of the workers : ’ outflanking Solidarity to the left ’ , as one commentator put it .
26 In other words , they have been trying to scratch themselves on the sandy bottom and get stranded by accident .
27 WITH COVENT Garden on the rise , West Soho , London 's Eighties mecca of zonal shopping , is looking to keep itself on the agenda .
28 If she 's not careful , her poor old taxi is going to find itself off the road for a week .
29 To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what steps he is taking to assure himself of the adequacy of the funding arrangements for local management of smaller primary schools ; and if he will make a statement .
30 To be humble is learning to know ourselves in the light of the knowledge of God .
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