Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And they 're made to come face to face with people who 've lost friends or relatives in drink driving accidents .
2 We 're trying to return C-Wing to normality .
3 A further eight people said that they had been helped to gain access to training by an influential person .
4 What conditions are needed to reduce murder to manslaughter ?
5 Erm although we we have n't really really discussed this , I suspect that given the the scale of development proposed in in Selby District , it 's it 's quite likely on the basis of what I 've heard from Mr , that Leeds are going to raise objections to development on on the western side of Selby District generally because that that area is just as close to Leeds .
6 Smoking and drug histories were taken although no patient was receiving any treatment that would be expected to give rise to DNA damage .
7 ‘ But when companies are laying off workers , they ca n't then be seen to donate money to charity .
8 Section 2(4) could therefore be said to give supremacy to community law .
9 One advantage of this amalgamation might be that there would be less potential for the jury to become confused , and yet the jury would still be empowered to reduce murder to manslaughter in appropriate cases .
10 Waste will be sorted centrally at a waste stream sorting plant ; easily recyclable materials such as metals , glass and plastics will be sent to reprocessing plants in the region ; organic material will be composted and sold for fertiliser ; heat generated by the decomposing material will be used to warm ponds to farm prawns and crayfish , and gas will be sold to a local power-generating company .
11 Alternative washing agents may be used to reduce corrosion to aluminium .
12 However , the greater solar input at the equator than at the poles would produce greater solar choking at the equator , and this can be shown to aid equator to pole circulation in the Jovian interior , thus distributing solar energy more uniformly and leading to the small equator to pole temperature differences observed in the upper troposphere .
13 The underlying point is that it is not every act of provocation which should be allowed to reduce murder to manslaughter , but only those serious enough to unbalance the behaviour of a person with reasonable self-control .
14 In profit-oriented organizations this emphasis has not been to the exclusion of performance measures for the simple reason that , because of the existence of the profit measure , the stewardship accounts can be analysed to yield pointers to performance .
15 Since this chapter is meant as a normative-explanatory account of the core notion of authority , it can be extended to explain reference to authority in various specific contexts .
16 The LBA funds were intended to supply relief to drought victims .
17 The United Front was openly being used to gain converts to Communism from the ILP and the Labour Party and , if possible , to split these organizations .
18 Most of these problems had occurred when people were attempting to gain access to training and during training .
19 DOCTORS would be handed dangerous powers if they were allowed to starve patients to death , Appeal Court judges were warned yesterday .
20 The notion that " one hour 's sleep before midnight is worth two afterwards " has perennially been invoked to put children to bed early ( although only 10 per cent of the survey sample believed it to be true ) .
21 Then it is put in large vessels where yeast is added to convert sugar to alcohol .
22 An increasing level of activity is evident in these markets compared with a year ago and the new name is expected to reduce barriers to entry for these services .
23 It is said to give priority to prestige projects , to the detriment of serious planning and proper funding of research , which , in the main , has to depend on the goodwill of private sponsors .
24 The student loans is going to replace entitlements to housing benefit and social security for er students but not for disabled students .
25 That will make it complete with ordinary Flora — which suggests that makes Van den Berghs recognise that even Flora is going to lose sales to low-fat spreads .
26 The Oxford based Phoenix Prison Trust is aiming to recruit prisoners to meditation using classes and a book of basic techniques .
27 This inevitably means that any attempt to analyse macrosociological data — aggregate national statistics for levels of income and unemployment , trends in infant mortality and the like — is bound to give rise to controversy .
28 To ask the Minister for the Arts what steps he is taking to encourage access to opera by young people and by a wider range of the public generally .
29 When determining planning applications planning authorities are required to have regard to structure and local plans .
30 Workshops are held to draw awareness to stereotyping .
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