Example sentences of "be [verb] [indef pn] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Normally you would n't be seen dead doing a knees bend keeping your back straight , but if you 're getting something off the bottom shelf you wo n't look ridiculous at all .
2 Clearly in looking at the travel agent sector we have already been analysing something of the domestic arm of the industry since these agents also arrange domestic holidays or parts of them .
3 The North and central sides , among them Bangor City and Newtown with top reputations earned in English leagues , are facing nothing but the wooden spoon .
4 It refers to the presence of social groups which are ranked one above the other , usually in terms of the amount of power , prestige and wealth their members possess .
5 That younger element , are doing something for the local community .
6 First he made a gourd spring up to protect Jonah from the sun ( by ‘ gourd ’ we are to understand something like the castor-oil plant or Palma Christi , with its rapid growth and all-sheltering leaves ) ; then , with no more than a wave of the silk handkerchief , he sent a maggot to destroy the said gourd , leaving Jonah painfully exposed to the heat .
7 Standard machines measure 600 mm ( 23⅝in ) deep by 595 mm ( 23⅜in ) wide , to fit between units and can be stacked one above the other , but , unless you have a separate utility room , that does not leave much space nearby for storing laundry supplies and accessories or setting down the just cleaned laundry .
8 Whereas in Los Angeles I manipulated costly hot and cold water in appropriate vessels throughout the house , Bali is a network of streams and rivers which , like veins and arteries , must be distinguished one from the other for their various uses .
9 Putting this point on a more theoretical level , the musical field and the class structure at any given moment , though clearly not unconnected , comprise different ‘ maps ’ of social/cultural space , and they can not be reduced one to the other ( see Williams 1981 ) .
10 It 's a unique opportunity to do something really strong for the sake of the restoration of my citizenship , while at the same time by that of course I 'm doing something for the human rights of every single citizen in Czechoslovakia .
11 Not that I will be changing anything in the immediate area of the shelf at the base of which the bait lies , but I thought it better to give the carp a profound liking for the swim before even one stalk of rush or one lily pad was removed .
12 There are , for example , far too many films portraying psychopaths , homicidal maniacs and serial killers , the audience being spared none of the morbid details .
13 Is this independent , single parent who does n't stand for any of Barry Brant 's messin' anything like the real Hilary ?
14 But for each individual student , the best thing is to put everything into the private account .
15 This is to say nothing of the varied forms and objects of laughter that there may be : spontaneous hilarity ; dark chuckles over black humour ; knowing , ironic laughter ; the nervous giggles of imperfect comprehension .
16 Ordinary shares ( as the name implies ) constitute the residuary class in which is vested everything after the special rights of preference classes , if any , have been satisfied .
17 The troubled couple are paid nothing from the Civil List .
18 Felicity was wearing nothing but the great swirl of hair and the flower in it .
19 I walked in there and I can se he had a he had a er some copies and and er he was getting one in the bloody phone !
20 During the lengthy period when the story was running none of the major media outfits dealt seriously with the question of why the fleeing Kurds had ended up carpeting the mountainsides in misery .
21 He was learning something of the dead man 's background , admittedly from a biased witness , but any policeman knows that all witnesses are biased in some degree .
22 And there 's , er , I mean it was showing somebody round the other day and we were talking about it and , and erm they 're saying , yeah I mean , you 've got seven urinals there , so let's say you have a busy night , you 're full , I mean that 's when damage gets done when people
23 ‘ My first reaction was to get someone from the British Transport Police , but the door of their office was locked .
24 The best Korf could think of was leaving everything to the provincial gentry , which Alexander had tried without success in his Moscow speech of March 1856 .
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