Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the tricky fact that some passengers have more money than others ( and Mr Pannick 's taxi has been stopped very frequently by the government in recent years ; he has had a special sign on it since 1988 that says ‘ Junior council to the Crown , common law ’ ) , the author declares that the authorities ‘ must make expenditre reon legal aid a high priority and that the defects in the structure of legal aid are in need of urgent repair ’ .
2 OFF to a good start on the field , Crook 's cricketers are faring less well in the clubhouse .
3 The winds are placed admirably forward in the Overture , revealing an instrumental balance that anticipates some recent performances on period instruments .
4 There was a very considerable consensus on the elements selected , and these choices , in the order in which they appear in the text , are given below along with the percentage ( rounded to the nearest integer ) of the informants who identified each one .
5 No wonder women are treated so badly in the world when even an organisation such as Amnesty judges them in terms of their lives only meaning something if they can ‘ belong ’ to a man .
6 A diver had found it out at sea trapped beneath the underground storage container from a petrol station , the container having been ripped right out of the ground .
7 The general equilibrium analysis of tax incidence has to date been undertaken largely independently of the literature on macroeconomics .
8 Johanna 's trainers had been placed neatly together in a hedgerow , 400 yards from the pit .
9 The emphasis which has been placed so far on the curriculum is intentional .
10 The peoples of these republics are overwhelmingly Muslim ( mostly Sunni ) by religion , and their traditional customs and values , with which their religion is inextricably bound up , have been altered relatively little by the experience of Russian and Soviet rule , which has in fact lasted for no more than a century or so ( most of what is now Soviet Central Asia came under Russian control in the second half of the nineteenth century ) .
11 This is probably a result of inadequate treatment and is more common in those who have been treated late on in the infectious stage .
12 It was excavated by Bushe-Fox in 1911–12 , and has been excavated more extensively within the last ten years by Barry Cunliffe , using the latest archaeological techniques .
13 If you look at a dissection of the human arm you can see that the string-like tendons which attach to the fingers are joined further back in the arm , to the muscles .
14 However , if we are to go much further along the road to open learning mentioned earlier , we need to explore and extend the potential of electronic information transfer .
15 Secondary tonics are limited almost entirely to the relative and subdominant .
16 Students of linguistics are taught early on about the importance of binary oppositions like this one , and are encouraged to look for two-term contrasts , x and not-x , in the linguistic data they analyse .
17 Surely , she mused , it had n't been raining long enough for the water levels to rise that far , and even though the middle of the week had proved consistently wet she felt confident she would arrive at the cottage long before the possibility became a reality .
18 He noticed that the ink was blacker , showing how each word had been pressed hard on to the paper .
19 The menu had been arranged earlier together with the wines .
20 This note challenges this particular thesis that has been developed most clearly in the writings of Peter Townsend , Alan Walker , and Chris Phillipson , and suggests that concentration on the concept of structured dependency has deflected attention away from more progressive and optimistic views of the economic social status of the elderly in modern Britain .
21 Since there is a preponderance of special libraries and information units in the science and technology subject areas and , in the light of UDC 's consultative revision policies , UDC has been developed most fully in the areas of science and technology .
22 What we want to do this morning is erm tt talk a little bit to you about er the quality system and the I S O Nine Thousand procedures and er documented er systems , which have been developed so far within the whole group .
23 It is rather strange that so little attention has been given so far to the mechanical properties of biological materials , though perhaps in human terms it is understandable .
24 Disconcerting but , on further reflection , hardly surprising when one bears in mind that , for more than two generations , Keynesian economics has been taught almost exclusively through the medium of the IS-LM model .
25 Another point to remember is that if all four pictures are to sit comfortably together in the overall design , then all the material used should be of roughly the same size .
26 They are flat , and usually are arranged either parallel to the ground , as in most trees , or vertically , like flags , as in grass : whichever arrangement intercepts the sunlight most efficiently in the particular circumstances .
27 As we shall see in the next chapter , in natural materials like wood , the long-chain molecules are arranged roughly parallel to the length of the tree , that is to say , more or less in the direction of the most important stresses .
28 Initial results from the first phase of the research ( summer 1986 ) show that the police are sticking very closely to the new rules and that this has had a major impact in the way CID officers conduct investigations .
29 On the contrary , ‘ few things are regarded so cheaply as an animal 's life …
30 Birds , like mammals , produce sound by blowing air from their lungs over vibratory vocal chords in the trachea , although in birds the vocal cords are situated slightly closer to the lungs than in mammals .
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