Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [noun pl] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Women suffer a dual burden of work inside and outside the home and the strains experienced by working mothers have not been eased by offers of help either from male partners or the wider community and the state .
2 He stated that since April 25 officers and 600 other ranks had been dismissed on charges of indiscipline and involvement in criminal activities .
3 But now the charges against Koons of dubious taste have been joined by accusations of sensationalism and obscenity .
4 ’ 'T IS bruited about that the king is unwell and that you are given to displays of temperament !
5 Talks are given by members of staff , often illustrated or using live subjects .
6 Doctoral studies and research training are undertaken in areas of finance , operations research , marketing , human resource management and corporate strategy .
7 Why , then , when people speak with such apparent honesty about such an important issue , do we feel we are drowning beneath cataracts of monologue ?
8 Most optical resists are developed by mixtures of solvents which wash away the more soluble material left after exposure .
9 He was not lying when , in Wednesday 's rather pitiful TV interviews aimed at persuading his party not to dump him , he said he had been inundated with letters of support from the world of music , opera , theatre , films and sport .
10 Solutions to the Ferranti crisis are not going to be easy to find despite the way in which the company has been inundated with offers of help .
11 A group of refugees rescued from the war in Bosnia and brought to this country have been inundated with offers of help and accommodation.The six families were rescued by a headmaster , who saw pictures of the war on television and decided that he had to do something to help .
12 The governor of Hainan , a firm supporter of Zhao 's liberal economic policies , has already been sacked amid allegations of corruption .
13 This included £329,000 to Iroquois , covering fees over the four-and-a-half months that he chaired Eagle , £33,000 to Iroquois ' lawyer and two blank cheques for £250,000 presented to Richard Smith and Clive Whiley , who had just been sacked as directors of Eagle .
14 Past efforts have largely been concentrated on the study of experimental catchments but most studies are limited to analyses of effects on a single component of the hydrologic cycle , such as the effect of urbanization on flood peaks , or are relevant only for a particular geographical setting .
15 Typically , the nutrients added are limited to sources of ammonia , nitrogen and orthophosphate , while the electron acceptor is often molecular oxygen delivered as hydrogen peroxide .
16 Essentially , the prospects for court action against the administration in Britain are limited to allegations of actions taken that are ultra vires , that is beyond the powers delegated to the institution by Parliament , or where a minister acts ‘ unreasonably ’ .
17 These examples of catalogues containing helpful art criticism could be contrasted with many others which are limited to lists of exhibitions , details of the artist 's career , and entries for the works displayed .
18 Even in exercising their power of interpretations , they are limited by rules of interpretation and by precedent .
19 From everything being simple and light-hearted , she had been plunged into shoals of deception , way out of her depth .
20 Such " context-bound " features in children 's writing have sometimes been explained in terms of Bernstein 's codes .
21 All through the centuries , theologians and biblical scholars have been plagued by problems of translation — or , to be more accurate , mistranslation .
22 Seven of the courses validated have been developed by groups of centres acting as consortia .
23 They may relate new information to what has already been given in terms of causes ( so , consequently , because , for this reason ) or in time ( formerly , then , in the end , next ) or they may indicate a new departure or a summary ( by the way , well , to sum up , anyway ) .
24 As Weiss and Brown ( 1974 ) point out , conditioning occurs when correlations are arranged between pairs of events : excitatory conditioning when there is a positive correlation with the CS predicting the US ; inhibitory conditioning when the correlation is negative so that the CS predicts the omission of the US ( see , e.g. Rescorla 1967 , 1968 ) .
25 Thus all attainments for which the government believes it important enough to legislate are arranged into hierarchies of knowledge , understanding and skill through which all children will progress .
26 With a few exceptions , such as Liberia under Tubman and Tolbert , and Gabon under Bongo , foreign investors have been regarded with feelings of wariness or hostility .
27 Its approaches are guarded by rings of illusion and mazes of spells which means only those selected by the Loremasters of Hoeth ever find the true path to the tower .
28 Walk on round to those cliffs and you come to what seem like utterly derelict sheds hanging on the edge of the precipice , stinking of goat : these are stacked with piles of skins for tanning , which goes on below in Brobdingnagian wooden barrels and enormous concrete troughs .
29 They have been punished in terms of unemployment and homelessness .
30 Five former employees at the post office had already been indicted on charges of drug dealing and embezzlement .
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