Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] an [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Police violence against members of racial minorities became a national issue following the widespread broadcast on television of an amateur video showing white Los Angeles policemen brutally beating a black man who had been stopped for an alleged driving offence on March 3 .
2 I am stopped by an unstable-looking scree slope .
3 Each a study in itself , with titles like ‘ No two feathers ’ , ‘ Butterflyman ’ , and ‘ Angel and the Dreamer ’ , they have been flown as an aerial ballet to classical music , wind harps and synthesisers .
4 The figures are calculated on an assumed growth rate of 10.75% and are therefore not guaranteed , as unit prices can fall as well as rise .
5 It has now been joined by an attractive estate model , also available with automatic .
6 However , in broad terms , one credit is assigned to one 40-hour module ; two credits are assigned to an 80-hour module , etc .
7 The almost exclusive concentration on the formal political process has been replaced by accounts that take in crucial determinants outside this sphere , and which are placed in an explanatory framework that allows links to be made with wider sets of social relations .
8 Further details of the 40 junctions including accident histories and mean annual traffic flow figures are given with an enlarged map of the route in Appendix 1.1 .
9 Eminent scientists are clamouring for an outright ban on all chlorine substances .
10 The mix and match formula ensures that shareholders are treated on an equal basis .
11 Chicks are treated in an identical fashion .
12 This will show amendments and repeals up to the date of last publication ; more recent changes are listed in an annual publication entitled Annotations to the Acts .
13 indeed , he , he 's been revered as an intellectual player , erm , he , a thinking player , a shining example , and of course , that , that shows up in , in statistics when you read about what he 's achieved , and you think , you know , fifty six caps for Northern Ireland .
14 It is important that assessment methodologies which will provide valid and reliable results are developed at an early stage .
15 Might this be solely because its mystery and complexity are recognized at an instinctive level ?
16 Also , an annual revaluation of our investment properties required for accounts purposes as well as for good practice has been undertaken with an effective date of 31 March 1993 .
17 David Smith 's ‘ Cubi XXVII ’ , the celebrated work which used to stand by the museum 's entrance , and a second sculpture by the artist , have been placed on an awkward terrace above the Monitor Building .
18 Most decent councillors have been placed in an impossible position because of the failure of the Government 's housing and economic policies to deliver the affordable rural homes that are so desperately needed .
19 Norman Lindop , as Chairman of the Committee for Education at this stage , considered that the Council had been placed in an impossible position by the sudden introduction of a new range of institutions ‘ and the need for urgent action to solve problems externally created ’ .
20 Much of the criticism was justified but to be fair to Hodge , he had been placed in an invidious position and , blinkered as he was , in some respects , he was correct in appreciating that a rebuilding of the Korean right offered the only means of preventing communist success in south Korea .
21 Having completed a tour of the museum , Elisabeth and Svend found themselves back in Svend 's office , where fresh coffee had been placed by an unseen hand .
22 Sadly , that has been treated as an open invitation to create statutory exceptions without the need for special justifications .
23 The effect of this change on prior years is a credit of £9.1m , which has been treated as an exceptional item in the 1991/92 p&l account ; accordingly , prior years ' figures have not been restated .
24 They are joined by an increasing number of younger people throughout our businesses who bring with them new knowledge and skills so essential to maintain a lead against global competition and benefit from changes in technology .
25 At Debenham there are two small buildings which are joined by an under-cover way .
26 Thus , the yearly incidence rate was 0.03% for the whole population , and even if it had been adjusted to an age-standardised incidence , the observed incidence of 1.2% would still be more than expected , considering that the uncorrected risk ratio was 40 .
27 If girls are taught from an early age that science is a subject to be studied by all pupils , and is not ‘ only for the boys ’ , then some of the problems relating to girls ' under-achievement in science in the secondary school will be resolved ( Equal Opportunities Commission 1982 : 4 )
28 So : your Uccello has been skewered by an assegai-wielding sociopath convinced that some noxious item of legislation will be reversed once he Goths a valuable masterpiece .
29 These woes are compounded by an acute form of a problem that besets most branches of computing and telecommunications — the need for a universally accepted standard .
30 The fields are still known as South Field , West Field and Mill Field , and are registered as an Ancient Monument .
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