Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] the [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Council of Europe , the OEEC and NATO had been joined in the 1950s by WEU .
2 During negotiations , Newco should try to avoid any general qualification that the warranties are given to the best of the vendors ' knowledge , as this could be interpreted to the effect that a vendor giving a warranty subject to this qualification has relied on the information given to him by management , and again distances the vendor from the risk .
3 The backbone of his campaign was a plea to reject the economic policies of the past 12 years of Republican administrations , which he derisively labelled ‘ trickle-down economics ’ in which tax breaks are given to the wealthy in the hope that the benefits will ‘ trickle down ’ to lower-income groups .
4 More controversial shots of a spoof wedding ceremony and a lesbian couple kissing , both featuring bare breasts , have been placed in the second of two rooms housing the exhibition .
5 These problems have been compounded in the 1980s by the government 's encouragement of the sale of council houses and by the rise in house prices in the owner-occupied sector , so that the acceleration in the urban-rural shift in the mid 1980s is not likely to have been caused by the lower paid .
6 A related , though significantly different , approach has been developed since the 1960s in the community education movement .
7 Under these schemes , which had first been developed in the 1970s as a means of raising capital from the private sector for new development , for example , on office and shopping complexes ( i.e. as a means of avoiding constraints on capital spending ) , council property was sold on a long lease to another agency and then leased back for shorter periods until the long lease expired .
8 She learnt that it had been developed in the 1920s by a German physician , Dr Max Gerson .
9 British firms have been struggling with the first of these for the past 18 months , and for the past six or so have also suffered from the second .
10 Its new pesticide proposals are regarded as the strictest in the world : " organic " and " biodynamic " farmers are to be seen as pioneers pointing to new chemical-free techniques for the rest of the agricultural community .
11 At a meeting of European Community ( EC ) Foreign Ministers in Dublin , Ireland , on Feb. 20 , Genscher sought to reassure those governments which had not been consulted about the two plus four agreement .
12 The bank finally agreed to loan sixteen thousand pounds for the business plus overdraught facilities and a further nine thousand pounds secured on our client 's home repayable over five years , any further mortgage over a future was to be arranged elsewhere and my Lord er will hear that in fact the , having the sale of their home having been completed on the fifth of December the plaintiffs were then homeless for some three months living with their daughter until such times as they were able to arrange a mortgage on their present property with the Halifax .
13 The ten per cent addition assumed by the Eighth Schedule was , as in the 1947 Act , measured by the external cube , but it has since been modified to the smaller of cube or internal floor space , and only relates now to buildings in existence on 1 July 1948 .
14 The alarm that such a prospect generated in England was real and intense : in March 1336 Philip VI ordered the French fleet which had been assembling in the Mediterranean for a crusade to transfer to the mouth of the Seine , and Edward felt convinced that Philip was planning a large-scale invasion of England .
15 Agreement-marking " you know what I mean " and " you know " are well-established in JC ( see Sebba and Tate 1986 ) but have never been reported before the 1980s in any type of British English in Britain .
16 Incidents have been reported in the Caribbean in three of the last four years .
17 Since bats are considered by the Chinese to be symbols of good luck they are one creature that is likely to remain safe when the British hand over Hong Kong .
18 The investments are reported at the lower of cost and net current value , the latter based on the enterprises ' most recent accounts .
19 Will it be possible to finish the 12 — 2 guinea plates the 2nd thirty small ones and the thirty of which the first ground has been done by the first of April next — or the end of March — give opinion on this … ? ’
20 Well , all these things are done with the best of in intentions you know but erm that 's the only , that 's the only logical reason because they ca n't seem to find any other evidence as to the cause of it you see
21 One new research interest had already been developing in the mid-seventies from my earlier work in semantics .
22 Several of our brightest chefs , often trained in French methods , are looking to the Mediterranean for inspiration .
23 Its good insulating properties mean that the young emerging plants in the spring are saved from the worst of the biting cold .
24 It can be quite painful , for the insider is studying his own social navel , with the potential always present that he will recognize this to be only one of a number of arbitrary possibilities and perhaps also find that many practices are built on the flimsiest of moral precepts .
25 The ‘ society-as-parent ’ school perhaps falls into a tradition of paternalistic state intervention in the cause of social welfare , which has its roots in the nineteenth century ; a tradition in which the values of the dominant class have been imposed on the poor for their own good , and in which the children of the poor have been removed to make a ‘ fresh start ’ in what were adjudged more favourable circumstances than those of their origins .
26 and other relationships are subsumed under the second of these categories , for example :
27 Dolphins and small whales have also been hunted in the Caribbean for many years , especially around the island of St Vincent .
28 You can take cuttings in summer of this kind of herb and keep them protected through the winter , or shield the parent plants in some way , so that they are sheltered from the worst of the cold and wind .
29 The ideological divisions evident among people with disabilities are exploited to the full by policy-makers .
30 You 're preaching to the converted in us , but you 've got to get at everyone else .
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