Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] the [noun] he " in BNC.

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1 In those few minutes she 'd simply been reacting to the mood he 'd created so skilfully .
2 The dhāmi picked up his long tuft of hair bound with silver rings that had been given to the god he embodied , and carefully wound it round his head again and covered it with his turban .
3 Thus Castro was in dire need of a Soviet commitment to preserve his revolution , and in a speech given to the United Nations on 26 September 1960 the Cuban leader may have been hinting at the price he might have been willing to pay when he said , ‘ We understand how terrible the subordination of the economy and life in general of nations to foreign economic power is .
4 Three replies had been received to the applications he had sent , and had been opened by his father as Joe had asked .
5 the income arising to the trust has a foreign source and therefore had it been received by the beneficiary he would not have borne tax on it ; and 2. the benefit — the payment out by the trustees to the individual — is not received in the United Kingdom .
6 Patrick himself made a statement to my sister which I 've got on tape , saying he 'd been discarded by the woman he married .
7 If , and it was a very big ‘ if ’ , Riddle 's body had been substituted for the Scapegoat he felt sure that it was not as a convenient way of disposing of the body but to give more effective expression to the hatred which had inspired his killing .
8 The Noble Earl , Lord has been wounded by the suggestion he confessed to be in the last debate that Mr Howard has the intention of putting political friends into these jobs .
9 Count Tolstoy has been overwhelmed by the support he 's received .
10 If there had been no political factor in the equation , it is unlikely that Profumo would have been ruined in the way he was and tortured for years by a newspaper interest which has survived until the present day .
11 Once instructions have been accepted by the solicitor he is under a professional duty ( and , for that matter , a contractual duty ) to carry out those instructions with all due skill and diligence and not to terminate his retainer without due cause and upon reasonable notice .
12 We had been told at the time he had been in trouble before .
13 For though it has been suggested that Minton 's attendance at Lehmann 's soirées was in part determined by his hope of work , he would also have been stimulated by the company he met .
14 Then , in the same gentle tone she had heard Travis use when he had been speaking to the woman he loved , he murmured , ‘ Leith , my darling , I just ca n't keep it to myself any longer — do you mind ? ’
15 Nowadays thousands of different types of thermometer in use in science and industry are based on the principles he laid down .
16 He may prefer only to claim that they apply once ethical language and judgement are understood in the way he recommends .
17 Like most of the nomes who had been born in the Store he hated looking up and not seeing a ceiling .
18 Hoover 's optimism about the future of the USA had been underlined by the words he used on accepting nomination We in America today are nearer the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land .
19 Otherwise , if place could have been found for these minor poets and playwrights , not to mention jumped-up journalists who also figured all too prominently , surely a few sentences could have been spared for the man he himself had described as the one working-class writer who remained working-class — the man whom the Sentinel had called ‘ the poet of work ’ .
20 Boro full back and fly half Ian Bircham has landed a job in Italy so his appearances will be limited to the weekends he is home .
21 Lifting the cup of wine which symbolically pointed to His blood which would be shed on the cross He said ‘ This is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins . ’
22 And he does not like to be reminded of the gaffes he made as deputy chairman — branding the young unemployed as workshy , or musing on Radio Ulster whether Ian Paisley might like to be prime minister of a united Ireland .
23 Dr. Clarke had himself been a surveyor in the town in 1765 : he also cultivated the art of perspective drawing , examples of which can be seen in the plans he drew for Whitaker 's History of Manchester of 1765 and 1771 .
24 A fine example of his interior decoration may be seen in the rooms he decorated for Václav Michalovic in his house , now the Postal Museum ( see p. 157 ) .
25 The benefits can be seen in the book he regards as him important , Next Man In ( 1952 ; totally revised edition 1985 ) , a study of the Laws of the game .
26 Greg Bull , defending , said : ‘ The fact that he was a good marketing man can be seen by the way he sold himself . ‘
27 I wish the same could be said for the piano he uses : it is clearly in need of a tune in the first of the Valses-Caprices .
28 And apparently Jason Horfitz then said he would n't be passing on the information he had to anybody else as he did n't want to end up in a ditch . ’
29 If Shaun is telling the truth , he must be pitied for the situation he has got himself into .
30 The other was trying to find a mechanism to sell more. , Another example of the ability to see the wood from the trees can be drawn from the time he was asked to take charge of Esso 's marine operations .
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