Example sentences of "be [verb] [conj] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has also long been recognized that the same distinction occurs in attributive adjectives ( see , for instance , Jespersen , 1924 ) .
2 In the TEI scheme all such objects are regarded as the same kind of element , called here a ‘ division ’ ; though a distinction is made between divisions whose hierarchic position is regarded as inseparable from their semantics ( these are encoded as , etc. down to elements ) and those for which their position in the document tree is regarded as of lesser importance ( these are encoded as ‘ vanilla ’
s ) .
3 I am told that the same considerations of constituency difficulty , demography and geography would apply to rearranging the constituencies within Scotland .
4 The accuracy of data must be suspected when the same document reports that 22% of tonsillectomies in the Yorkshire region are performed as day case procedures .
5 But , as with any archaeological object , such interpretations can be made only when we have a secure idea of when and where a coin was made , and the methods of dating coins and attributing them to mints is therefore discussed first in Chapter 2 , where it will also be seen that the same techniques for dating and attributing coins can sometimes be turned round , using coins to date other objects or to identify places .
6 It could be argued that the same principle also applies to the misuse of inside information .
7 It may be thought that the same verdict applies to the third principle as well .
8 It should be noted that the same definition of " in the course of a business " would appear to be appropriate to the second limb of the definition , concerned with the status of the supplier ; the Court of Appeal in R&B relied on decisions concerned with the meaning of supplies " in the course of business " under the Trade Descriptions Acts ( see Davies v Sumner [ 1984 ] 3 All ER 831 ; Havering LBC v Stephenson [ 1970 ] 1 WLR 1375 ) .
9 When the Legislative Power is united with the Executive Power in the same person or body of magistrates , there is no liberty because it is to be feared that the same Monarch or the same Senate will make tyrannical laws in order to execute them tyrannically .
10 She is right to draw our attention to the importance of signalling in both ‘ actual living and theatre ’ , but it should not be assumed that the same kinds of signs are employed in these two contexts .
11 In most systems , if a word is misspelt or miskeyed , that piece of data can only be retrieved if the same format is used during the retrieval process .
12 Care should be taken that the same classification method is used for all samples plotted , particularly if data are obtained from other , workers , as different classifications can result in variation of the position of plotted points ( and hence composition ) ( Zuffa , 1985 ) .
13 All would be lost if the same man , or the same body of chief citizens , or the nobility , or the people , exercised these three powers , that of making laws , that of executing public decisions , and that of judging the crimes or the disputes of private persons .
14 As Bowers has pointed out , however , it must be questioned whether the same results could not have been achieved by a strictly enforced parking policy , given the lack of parking space .
15 Investigation on how the situation could be improved provided the same answer — the only long term effective means of reducing the accident rate was to constantly reinforce WGEC 's safety culture .
16 A variety of tempers were used as additives to clays ; whether the choice was conscious or not has yet to be studied , although it has already been observed that the same clay was used with different tempers in certain places .
17 Amends were made when the same combination sent Stewart back soon afterwards , and poor Atherton 's comeback lasted three balls only as he touched one which went across him .
18 The matter was debated across Europe when the Eighth Directive was being drafted and the same conclusion was reached .
19 Ronald Reagan has made a career out of being underestimated and the same mistake was made in 1980 when his critics wrote him off as an amiable , ex-movie actor ill-qualified for the presidency .
20 Jack is in overall charge of the LDP sales company and the reason for that is to ensure that the same standards and disciplines of product development , point of sale and , most important , profitability are applied to LDP as to Stoddard Templeton .
21 Within Catholic thought these different positions of men and women tend to be thought ‘ natural ’ , and it is contended that the same gender arrangements are to be found in all known human societies .
22 It 's now been released and the same question once again arises : Can you save the human race ?
23 Further , it was seen that the same institution that was so damaging could be therapeutic if it was organized deliberately to foster social confidence and responsibility in the patients .
24 I remember when I worked in Ninewells and the Queen Mother was coming and the same thing happened , the domestics had to work over time to clean up Ninewells which is a relatively new hospital .
25 He could only get temporary relief from certain drugs and it was believed that the same drug contributed to the hardening of the liver which led to his death .
26 She was the first witness to some of the most distressing scenes between the Prince and Princess of Wales , and was determined that the same mistakes would not be repeated when another newcomer joined the firm .
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